Where is the line on disclosure violations?

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  • #166483

    I have a question. I notice that on this forum if you advise a fellow candidate on what areas to focus attention on in their studies for a particular exam section you are considered “disclosing” too much information.

    However, on Gleim’s website I found the following statement

    “We solicit feedback from Gleim users following each exam, which helps us fine tune our study materials. NOTE: We are in total compliance with the AICPA guidelines. We do NOT accept any information about specific CPA questions (which is prohibited by the AICPA). We do, however, ask all Gleim users to tell us which topics in our study material need to be added, expanded, or deleted. Please email us after your exam.”

    How is it that Gleim can ask for topics covered on the exam, but I am not allowed to tell to a fellow CPA candidate to pay particular attention to a topic? Just curious.

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  • #324352

    Straight from the AICPA:

    I hereby agree that I will maintain the confidentiality of the Uniform CPA Examination. In addition, I agree that I will not:

    • Divulge the nature or content of any Uniform CPA Examination question or answer under any circumstance

    … I further agree to report to the AICPA any examination question disclosures, or solicitations for disclosure of which I become aware.


    So, is Gleim in violation? They ask for topics covered on the exam… wouldn't that be considered asking for the “nature” of examination questions?


    Gleim is only asking for feedback on their study materials.


    Here is my point

    If I take an exam and when I finish you ask what topics were covered… if I give you as an individual that feedback I am in violation of the AICPA's disclosure rules.

    However, if Gleim asks for what was covered on the exam as feedback on their materials it is ok to give them that information??

    Just a little confusing.


    A little shady too. Jeff's tolerance for risk is probably a little less than Gleim's.


    Better safe than sorry. Sounds to me like Gleim is treading a very fine line, if they're not overstepping it.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    The way it was explained to me through my CPA review course was that they (the CPA review provider) may ask you for feedback on the course coverage without divulging specifics. For example, you can say that the coverage, say, of IFRS was inadequate or just right but you can't specify what within the IFRS topic was tested on the exam.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    I think a general rule of thumb is that it's okay to talk about general concepts but not specifics. So if someone asks me if they need to study Audit Sampling for the exam it's okay for me to tell them that yes, it's a concept you need to know. It's not okay for me to say ‘yes, I had three MCs and one Simulation on Audit sampling' or ‘Yeah, I had a question that asked the difference between variable and attribute sampling'. I just made those up as an example for the record.

    I think Gliem asking what topics weren't covered enough, looking for responses like ‘I wasn't fully prepared for IFRS or for Estate taxation' is fine. If they asked for specific questions or something like that then they'd be in trouble.

    REG (7/7/11) 75
    FAR (7/28/11) 76
    BEC (8/27/11) 81
    AUD (10/15/11, 1/20/12) 63, 91


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