Where do you study? - Page 3

  • This topic has 39 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by vbmer.
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  • #172678

    I am currently studying for FAR (Aug. 9th). My favorite place to study is Panera Bread but it is half an hour away from my house which means if I study there I waste an hour driving and I spend a ton of money because I eat breakast, lunch, and dinner out…I’m looking for places closer to home for studying…the Starbucks near my house is horrible, small, only one outlet, and always crowded and noisy…I find it very difficult to study at home. Libraries aren’t an option since the ones near my house don’t even allow a water bottle inside and I’m a heavy drinker 🙂 So, what I’m wondering is…where does everyone else study???

    FAR ~ 10/10/2012
    AUD ~ 11/29/2012
    BEC ~ 1/3/2013
    REG ~ 2/28/2013

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  • #1738979

    @Von Not sure about other headphones but the one that I have (Bose) work great in loud environment. If it's super loud I would listen to white noise, otherwise I will turn them on with no music or anything and they eliminate outside noise almost completely.
    Google Bose quiet comfort. Pricey, but worth every penny


    Thank you so much @CPAwannab


    Either home or at a coffee shop.
    Coffee shops can help slightly just by offering a change of scenery. But concentration for me is about the same no matter where I go, either I can concentrate or I can't. I do find “study with me” youtube videos that have fireplace or pencil sounds tend to help me, kind of like creating more of a study atmosphere, although lately I find I like quiet jazz background music. I only do that for reading though. MCQs I generally keep it quiet.


    Either home or coffee shop as well. all of my children are adults and moved out but they are home frequently. I like the coffee shop because it makes me focus and I really like the free refills. If I go to the coffee shop I make sure I don't go at drive time or busy time. I've tried studying in bed to no avail. Good luck finding a good spot but keep studying.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I do most of my studying at Panera or Starbucks. Or anywhere that has easy parking and good wifi. Panera is good because you can buy food and you can study for longer. I study at home during the week after work but roommates and general distractions being at home make studying less productive.


    I study really early at home. During the week before work and on the weekend too. After work I usually go to the library. Sometimes when I get home I study for an hour or two. Depends how I feel. On the weekends I go to a coffee shop or a different library. I used to be the type of person that just couldn't study in public, but have started to change for some reason. Maybe because this whole process has made me be lonely all the time. So going somewhere public like a coffee shop has been a good change of scenery. Being around other people studying helps me focus. I also have Bose headphones that I use. I listen to study music on YouTube while studying. No lyrics just noise. Really helps drown out any noise and helps me focus. Also, been with this so long so I really try to make my time spent studying truly count. Tired of feeling like I'm wasting time with this process. Ready to move on!


    I had a huge problem with this! No luck at public places, and my family is usually home. Small home, no office. I tried wework too.

    I actually ended up asking a neighborhood religious institution if I could make a donation and study there. They were very welcoming and let me use their library which is usually empty. On the weekends it's perfect. Make sure to also write a thank you note 😊

    Sometimes thinking outside the box makes all the difference. Good luck!


    For the drive, you could always listen to the audio lectures over your vehicles speakers, that could help justify the travel time.

    As for the eating out, I can relate to that. One way to at least help mitigate is to eat a large meal at home before you leave, it'll put some time between when you want to eat next 🙂


    My work schedule is very unpredictable, and I travel a lot for work and get slammed during deals, so I set up “studycation” trips to get away from everything and do final prep for REG, FAR, and my CFA exams. I went to Lima, Prague, London, and Kuala Lumpur. 🙂

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