Where do you study?

  • This topic has 39 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by vbmer.
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  • #172678

    I am currently studying for FAR (Aug. 9th). My favorite place to study is Panera Bread but it is half an hour away from my house which means if I study there I waste an hour driving and I spend a ton of money because I eat breakast, lunch, and dinner out…I’m looking for places closer to home for studying…the Starbucks near my house is horrible, small, only one outlet, and always crowded and noisy…I find it very difficult to study at home. Libraries aren’t an option since the ones near my house don’t even allow a water bottle inside and I’m a heavy drinker 🙂 So, what I’m wondering is…where does everyone else study???

    FAR ~ 10/10/2012
    AUD ~ 11/29/2012
    BEC ~ 1/3/2013
    REG ~ 2/28/2013

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  • #357107

    Im not gonna be any help since you said library is out the picture and so is your home. I study at the school library which is about 15-20 minutes away. It has some con's though. Sometimes I take a lunch with me, but sometimes I like to go out and eat.

    I try and study at home but so many distractions.



    I'm no help because I usually study in my den or in my office at work. I think I would be very distracted and gain a ton of weight studying at Panera Bread.

    FAR 78
    AUD 85
    BEC 79
    REG 83


    I study in my room. I once tried the local library, but I got hungry and they have no food places anywhere near 🙁


    btw, I'm such a loser bc I don't even know what Panera Bread is….lol


    Campus library.


    I love this thread!

    My favorite spot used to be Borders…they had a huge cafe, friendly employees, great lighting and ambience, comfortable seating.

    Also, the Kinkos near my house used to be a good backup study spot. They are open 24/7 and have little cubicle areas to plug in your laptops. And they are literally cubicles because the area is actually designated for their paying laptop users.

    But lately I've been studying at Starbucks. The downside is the same you've mentioned — travel time, eating out, and also running into people you know and I've yet found a polite way to end the conversation quick and get back to studying


    Not much help to you either as I study at home or my office. I went to public library once but found it to be a pretty busy place and full of distractions. I cannot imagine studying in a public place like Star Bucks or Panara. I would be too distracted by all the people. Keep trying new places until you find what works or you. Best of luck to all!

    Licensed Texas CPA!


    Yeah I study in my basement office, it was the key to helping me, zero distractions besides the night janitor crew.

    BEC 73, 71, 79 (1/3/12)
    AUD 48, 70 (1/31/12), 85 (4/9/12)
    REG 70, 61, 77 (2/29/12)
    FAR 42, 74 (5/29/12), 80 (7/16/12)
    Ethics - 98 (4/20/12)
    Officially a CPA (8/9/12)


    Public Library Study Rooms – Leave work at 5. Study from 530-9. Its quiet and there are no distractions. Library closes at 9. If I focus, I get 3 hours of studying each night during the week. Weekends I can usually only stand being in there for 4 hours at a time, twice a day Sat & Sun. So excluding Friday (day off), 30 hours a week.

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    I like going to the library because it actually make we study and focus. I would reserve one of the study rooms which is so cool. They are pretty much for groups but I get a chance to spread my stuff across the table. I use my home on the days the library closes too early like on Wed & Friday (6pm). I don't think I could do a public place like Starbucks or Panera Bread.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    I study at home in my room or by the pool outside. I need it pretty quite around me, so no place public like Starbucks would probably work for me.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012


    Campus library is the best. I'm not a student anymore, nor was I ever at the college I study at…wonder if that is frowned upon.

    FAR - 70, 81
    AUD - 83
    BEC - 77
    REG - 70, 78

    Licensed in Ohio.

    Now what the hell do I do?


    i study everywhere, literally lol. most hours spent studying probably in my room, right now i am laying on the couch with some good music to help me focus. i try changing scenes once in a while so my mind doesn't burn out. a few weeks ago i was studying my note cards on a first class plane ride back home and i had an interesting conversation with an apparently very wealthy Sikh about accounting and business. i like changing it up because it lets your mind wander rather than being stagnantly tucked away from the real world, but i've honestly stayed away from panera breads and starbucks though, not my scene.


    I studied at campus library. I get off from work after 6 then get something to eat. I usually drop by Starbucks befor I head to the library (trying to make it as least painful as possible). I am picky and easily distracted by any noises. I need complete silence so that I can focus. I don't have 4G and the reception is bad at the library, which is perfect for studying. My study plan didn't go well during holiday/intersession when the library closed. Home is a bad place to study for me but still the second best…I honestly think if there wasn't a place like the campus library providing a good place to study, I would have NEVER made it.


    come to think of it, the most efficient studying i got done was while at work in the office during downtime. i had pages and pages of notes written within a day at work. just sitting in that cubicle i guess really helped me focus. and some of the partners would come by and joke with me when they caught me working on Becker MCQs.

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