What's the Proper Etiquette?

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  • #165766

    So I’m auditing this company (external auditor) and one of the low level grunts in their accounting dept. recognized me because we went to the same high school. I didn’t recognize her at the time because she dropped her maiden name when she married. Weeks later I get a FB request from her, (I’m still auditing this company) and only then did it click in my head who this person was.

    I didn’t accept the request because of potential independence issues and quite frankly she was a real jerk to me when we were younger, though she has since apologized for it.

    My question is what’s the proper etiquette here? Should I just ignore her (the easy, cowardly route)? Approach her and acknowledge the request but say I can’t accept due to independence issues? Does FB even count as affilating outside of a work environment? Is there some other consideration I’m not thinking of?

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  • #322216

    It is an independence issue unless you plan on marrying this chick. Just because you are FB friends, that doesn't hender your ability to be independent in fact and appearance. There are tons of people that are friends with employees of a client. I would be afraid that she would see something, no matter how innocent and then tell people at work. Like “Oh it is so funny to see dtomasello all professional here when this weekend he posted a pic of him doing a keg stand”. That is what I wouldn't want my client know, especially higher up in the company. If it were me and she asked me why I didn't accept her friend request then I would just tell her that it would be unprofessional.


    LOL…just ignore her and If she brings it up, make her a contact on linkedin.



    Ignore – if she asks – then drop the independence thing 🙂


    She was a jerk to you in high school? Deny that friend request. Deny til you die.


    @Jeff – Yeah I think that's the route I'm going to go, the nonconfrontational approach.

    @cashmoney10 – Seriously, the more I think about it, the more I'm trying to figure out what I even feel bad about. Denied!


    “deny til you die” hahaa… cashmoney speaks from experience lol

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