What order to take exams? **Yaeger study materials**

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  • #161057

    Here is the route I originally wanted to take as far as the schedule of my exams.

    FAR- end of Aug. 2011

    REG- end of Nov 2011 (I’m thinking this will the most difficult for me)

    AUD- mid of Jan 2012

    BEC- end of Feb 2012

    I figured I would get the hardest ones out of the way, but I’ve heard from others that AUD makes most sense to take after FAR. I feel pretty comfortable with AUD so I didn’t mind postponing it. Should I take AUD after FAR anyway? Also, is a month and a half sufficient for AUD/BEC and feasible with a 40 hour work week? Also, should I allot more than two months to study for REG? Thanks for any tips!

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  • #291133

    I took the exam in this order:




    BEC (in about 1 week)

    I thought FAR was going to be my hardest so I took it first, that way if I failed my 18 month clock wouldn't start ticking. However, I wanted to try and take all four sections within two testing windows. I did this by starting the window out with a difficult exam (FAR and REG) and finished it with an “easier” exam (or at least an exam with less material, AUD and BEC). That way I could take AUD early enough in the window that I could start preparing for REG ASAP. I think the order I took the exams worked perfectly and each previour exam prepared me for some topics in the next. I do not suggest taking FAR and REG in the same window, especially with a 40 hour work week. I see that you are only planning on taking AUd and BEC in the same window, which is definitely doable. But, that's just my two cents. I prepared for AUD in 5 weeks and BEC in 4 weeks using Jeff's ELL study plan. Good luck!

    FAR 4/9/2011: 88 (Becker)
    AUD 5/16/2011: 88 (Becker)
    REG 7/1/2011: 82 (Becker)
    BEC 8/3/2011: 91 (Becker and Ninja)

    Sparty On

    I took them/will take them in this order:





    I took two in each window and tried to pair an “easy” section with a “hard” section. The only reason I started with AUD was that I had just finished my college audit class and everything was still very fresh in my mind. The only problem I have had with this order was confusing a few tax vs GAAP treatments in the first few weeks that I was studying for FAR.

    There is some overlap between the sections. I studied COSO for AUD and am also seeing it in BEC. I think it comes down to what topics you feel the most comfortable with and what is sticking in your mind the best from college.

    AUD - 92
    REG - 88
    FAR - Awaiting score
    BEC - 8/13


    I don't think order is all that important honestly. Only thing I would say is do not take REG and FAR in the same window. I have heard of it being done but I don't recommend it.



    I liked the order I did them in:





    I wanted to do FAR first since it covers the underlying theory of accounting, and I'd been out of school for 5 years; it was also the one I had the most time to prepare for and it covers more material than the other exams. I'd recommend doing BEC last because it does overlap with FAR and AUD in some respects and I thought the material made more sense when I reviewed it for those other exams. Also, the WC can be on any type of business question. While it doesn't matter if you're answer is correct as long as it's on point, it usually is easier to write about something that you know.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    Thanks everyone. November is actually a different window as August from my understanding (2 months testing and 1 month off). Anyway I decided I'll take the following order;

    FAR-end of Aug 2011 (already scheduled)

    AUD-mid to end of Oct. 2011

    REG- early Jan 2012, hopefully get most of my studying done before the end of 2011 w the holidays and avoiding cramming during year end stuff at work in January 2012.

    BEC- end of Feb 2012



    Depending on how much time you have available in September to prepare, you could probably be ready to take AUD at the beginning of October and take REG at the end of November thus missing most of the holidays and the year end stuff at your job. While AUD's not easy, it doesn't have the same volume or diversity of material as the other exams do.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85



    I could but I don't think I'd feel very confident going into REG after a little under 2 months of studying. I understand a lot of tax material is tested in REG and that was my weakest point back in college. I figured most of my REG preparation will be done in Nov and Dec. with holidays…it's safe to say that I'm somewhat fearful of REG



    You don't want to drag the test out too long because you might not remember what you learned 2 months ago. Two months should be enough time for any exam as long you put in the hours. If you can do 15hrs/week, you should have enough time to watch video, read the text, take notes,do MCQ, review, and do some more MCQ. GL

    AUD - 83 Feb11
    REG - 75 May11
    BEC - 73 July11 84 Oct11
    FAR - 63 Aug11 76 Feb12 I'M DONE!!!!!


    I think your order is good. I took mine: BEC, REG, FAR, AUD. I took BEC first because it was the shortest and no simulations. I was thinking that If I passed, it would boost my confidence for the next tests.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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