what have I gained so far from this journey??…umm..25lbs!! - Page 2

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  • #163838

    Wow so the 2011 testing is over and I wanted to start working out again a little because i knew i felt a “bit heavier”(none of my clothes fit and all my friends comment on how fat i’ve gotten)….

    joined a gym and weighed myself…i gained 25lbs!! i literally was in awe…i remember all i kept saying was “wow..woow”.

    killed my motivation..just got depressed and went home.. lol i really need to try and balance in an excersice schedule into my work and studying but not sacrifice grades..

    any others out there?? where ma fatties at?!?!… 🙁

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  • #321813

    I know the feeling. I've gained about 15 probably in the past 1.5 years. If I pass this last part, I'll say it was worth it because we can always take it off. If not, I'm going to be so mad! I'll think it was all for nothing. I feel like I should be getting something in return for neglecting my health (and everything else!). Hopefully, that something will be a passing grade on this last part.

    Ugh. I feel really fat now. I'm going home and gonna run on the treadmill for the rest of the night. Ok, maybe 1 hour.

    AUD - 83
    FAR - 78
    BEC - 76
    REG - 86 PTL!!!!!

    Used CPAExcel & Wiley testbank (awesome by the way)


    I have packed on about 10 lbs since starting last November. The good news is, I only have one more part to pass. The bad news is, tax season is right around the corner so I'm not going to be shedding that weight any time soon. It shouldn't be too much of a chore since I will be able to do little things (i.e. walk the dog) that I'm just not able to do now.


    My theory is that once the stress falls off my shoulders once I'm done with this thing, I should be able to melt the weight off at a reasonably quick pace if I get back to my healthy eating habits and exercise routine… at least that's what I tell myself when I step on the scale. lol

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    I have gained 14lbs since August 2011 and I love it. I am underweight so a few more fat cells wouldn't hurt. Though I am actively trying to gain weight, I thought I would lose since I was mostly drinking coffee while studying and missing my midday snacks. It didn't dawn on me that I was drinking lattes full of milk so I haven't managed to lose any. Not that I want to.

    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    AUD Passed
    BEC Passed

    All aboard, this train's leaving. Next stop, TBD!


    I have gained about 20 lbs as well. It is absolutely awful! I did try joining weight watchers online but it is still really difficult because I travel a lot with my job. I need to get this over with so I can try to get some work/life balance.

    AUD 92 (now expired FML), retake 2/27
    BEC 87
    FAR 73, 73, 78
    REG 70, 74, 75


    110 lbs 18 months ago, 135 now.


    I've put on 15 pounds since embarking on this “journey” and if I get any heavier, I just may sink the ship! Everyone deals with stress differently and food is definitely my friend! A very good friend. 😉 Thankfully Tax Season has really started to go full swing at my firm and I always lose weight during tax season…until this CPA exam BS started! Looking forward knocking this out by the summer and getting my life back!

    Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    REG-May 2012

    FAR-July 2012

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    I've put on 15 pounds since embarking on this “journey” and if I get any heavier, I just may sink the ship! Everyone deals with stress differently and food is definitely my friend! A very good friend. 😉 Thankfully Tax Season has really started to go full swing at my firm and I always lose weight during tax season…until this CPA exam BS started! Looking forward knocking this out by the summer and getting my life back!

    Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    REG-May 2012

    FAR-July 2012

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    I've put on 15 pounds since embarking on this “journey” and if I get any heavier, I just may sink the ship! Everyone deals with stress differently and food is definitely my friend! A very good friend. 😉 Thankfully Tax Season has really started to go full swing at my firm and I always lose weight during tax season…until this CPA exam BS started! Looking forward knocking this out by the summer and getting my life back!

    Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    REG-May 2012

    FAR-July 2012

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    Studying and a low-carb diet go hand in hand.

    Eat plenty of eggs, fatty meat, fish.

    Snack only on cheese, nuts and 90% cacao chocolate.

    Cut completely bread, pasta, cereals, grains and most fruit.

    You'll see.

    Makes you healthier as well!

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Well for me the weight gain didn't come while I was studying for the exam, it came when I started working at a CPA firm. I mean Jesus H., I gained 20 pounds in 4 months!!! I didn't even notice it until I tried to put on a suit I had tailored 5 months before and it wasn't even close to fitting. It was really an adjustment to fit in working out after a long @ss day at work, but after that fiasco, I said enough is enough! Eating right is still the most important factor in losing weight, but it's hard to bring my lunch when my co-workers always want to go out to lunch (and believe you me, they do not want to go to healthy places). Ahh this has motivated me, this fatty's goin to the gym; good luck studying!


    @ItalianCPA, I look at your scores and think: wow, you must be strong and determined person. My determination doesn't fuel me as much as bread, pasta, cereals, grains and most fruit. I used to try low-carb diet for a couple of months, but it turned out to be just another kind of stress added to my life. I go to gym three to four times a week and it helps me a lot to reduce the stress level, but I don't loose weight…

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