What do you tell yourself - Page 2

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  • #162690

    when you feel like you don’t know how you’re going to get this done?

    I know I can pass this exam, and really, I already passed the others so BEC shouldn’t be so difficult. And I am so grateful that I have no way near as much on my plate as so many other amazing people studying for these exams do.

    But I just feel like I’m trying so hard to put in effort and it just doesn’t seem to be working! Sometimes I just don’t get the material when I think I do! And I know, I should go back and review. Listen to the lecture. Read the book. Write over the notes. Do mcqs and mcqs and mcqs. Read the answers. I KNOW this…but right now, I just feel the slightest bit of wonder if I can really do this…

    But I know I can, somehow. I have to pass this time. I guess I’m just getting anxious because time is running out and I thought I would be further ahead and instead it’s taking me longer than anticipated. I guess, even though I may think I am trying very hard, I’m really not giving it my all and can be trying harder…I’ve got to focus more on BEC.

    So what do you tell yourself when you’re feeling a bit down about these exams?

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