Lol I put depreciation instead of deprivation!-true sign of accountant + sleep deprivation! That is good advice and does depend on your goal, however, almost every job posting I see in accounting and finance say CPA preferred. Fortunately, in AZ you can bang that CPE out fairly quickly (and aren't limited to spreading it out over the 2 years) with self-study and can do them in a few days if you so chose to (CPE DEPOT). I'm in the process of of doing a 2015 FASB update course and i was amazed at how relevant it was to my position…containing info on discontinued ops and the abuse by management to stuff things there. I recently took on the responsibilities of recognizing revenue, which was also in the update. In terms of public, if your goal is to work in industry and never get to partner to sign off on the audit report, why even get certified then leave after a couple years? It seems you don't “need” the license at all for public either unless you want to make manager. It is still a post-grad credential, respected by most. Anyways, in case anyone was discouraged in pursing the license while they were in industry-don't be. It was supported by my company and all my CPA exam fees were paid for as well. As the controller said, it shows how much you care about the profession and rose to the “highest level” by getting certified. I agree it has to be relevant to the position…e.g. accounting or tax in industry. Aghhhhhh I need to not distract myself and get back to work so I can leave and get some sleeeeeeep!
REG 77 Feb14
BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
AUD 89 Feb15
*Exited exam after first testlet
**Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters
Licensed Arizona CPA