Top 10 Lessons Learned- CPA Exam Experience

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  • #164186

    I thought that I would share some of my experiences and lessons learned during my CPA review process. I purchased a ton of different CPA exam prep materials (CPA Excel, ROGER, Yeager, Gleim, Becker, Jeff’s NINJA Notes) and thought I would share my insights.

    1.) Reviewing the previously released AICPA questions was extremely helpful in my success for this exam. I would print out 4-5 years worth of the multiple choice questions, three-hole punch them and put them in a binder. Then I would do sets of 50 M/C’s over lunch. I thought they were especially helpful for the AUD portion of the exam. You get to understand how they ask the questions, which I believe is key for AUD.

    2.) Find the right CPA program for you. For me, Becker didn’t do it, but Yeager and ROGER did. Don’t be afraid to mix and match programs based on their strengths. ROGER is awesome for AUD and Yeager was awesome for REG.

    3.) If you have to re-study, consider buying a CRAM course. It may cost some additional money, but your time is valuable and it costs about as much as an exam fee. Think about it this way, if you fail again, it will cost you another exam fee, so the savings is nulified.

    4.) Jeff’s NINJA notes are awesome. Use them as an outline and build off of his notes to include your own. I never re-wrote them in their entirety, but did build off of them. Take advantage of his sales events and buy ahead of time for modules that you will study for in the future. He is a stand up guy and will give you updated versions upon request.

    5.) Practice Task Based SIMs. Do not just skip over the study guide ones because you couldn’t possibly have the same one on your exam. Part of the exam success is understanding how they are going to question you on the exam. I really thought Wiley’s Task Based SIMs helped me for REG & FAR.

    6.) Do multiple choice questions non stop, as Jeff suggests. I used the Gleim software, which I found to be inexpensive and really comprehensive. Additionally, I focused on the questions that had a “CPA” tag on them versus Publisher Adapted questions. I preferred Gleim over the Wiley multiple choice software.

    7.) Practice using the research tool. I believe if you go to the NASBA/AICPA website, as long as you have a current NTS number, you will get 6 months access to the tool. Just getting comfortable with the tool really helped me on exam day.

    8.) Have the right support system around you. This is an extremely grueling process. You need to find a friend, spouse, co-worker to vent to or to encourage you.

    9.) Find the study plan that works for you. I would study a lot in the mornings and over lunch. Only about 1-2 hours at night due to having young kids.

    10.) You need to really want it and studying like never before. In my experience, almost everything else in my life had to be placed on the back burner while I was studying for a particular part. I definitely know it’s a struggle, but crossing the finish line was a great feeling. Believe in yourself, you can do this!

    Good luck!!

    BEC- 76 (08/10)- PASS
    AUD- 85 (11/10)- PASS
    REG- 71 (02/11), 81 (04/11)- PASS
    FAR- 73 (05/11), 74 (08/11), 79 (11/11)- PASS

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  • #314240

    I would add one more to your list

    11) either download the wiley focus notes to your ipod or record yourself reading notes. Listen while you are driving, listen at work instead of listening to the radio, listen while grocery (Christmas) shopping, any time its not convenient to be reading. I even listened to the wiley notes while I was falling asleep HOPING that I was getting some subliminal messages or something while my brain and eyes were shut (for the very short time that was at night). I listened when I was raking, gardening, doing dishes and vacuuming too!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Your #8 cannot be emphasized enough. There's absolutely no way I could have handled any part of this process without that, including this forum and certain people who post on it. You know who you are.

    BEC: 87 (7/13/11)
    FAR: 86 (8/31/11)
    AUD: 99 (10/6/11)
    REG: 88 (11/30/11)
    Ethics: 100

    Used Becker for all four parts. Supplemented it with Wiley Test Bank for FAR and REG (HIGHLY recommended) and NINJA notes.


    NTS 467 – WI

    AUD – 76 – July 11

    REG – 68 – May 11 , 79 – Aug 11

    BEC – 79 – April 11

    FAR – 64 – Aug 11 , 76 – Nov 11

    I would say the best preparation is the college courses I had and then taking the exams while the material was still fresh in my mind. I know because the material I knew before taking the prep course (GLEIM) was taught by excellent professors. The material I was weakest on or only finally clicked after doing the prep course was from a horrible professor. I am not afraid to admit I achieved a B- in that course. That particular professor did not know the material and gave the cruelest exams.

    So going into the prep course and the CPA exam there was some material that I hit a wall on and other material that the lightbulb finally came on. I found myself going back to my textbooks and homework problems while studying for the CPA exams. Without that foundation the review courses won't help much.

    So I guess that's a plug for the certain school I attended.


    Great writeup! Appreciate the plug too 🙂


    When looking at Gleim's website which product is the test bank? The test prep software for $85? Also has anyone tried the audio lectures? I commute about 2 hours a day and am thinking it might be worth it!


    why gleim test bank > wiley? do others agree?


    while waiting my score to come out in our wonderful indie state in TX, here is my top ten on CPA exams:

    10. Security in Prometric is more strict than international airports.

    9. Finding a review course is like finding a date, you don’t know how good it’s until it’s over.

    8. Before the test, you felt you are over-prepared.

    7. After the test, you felt you are under-prepared.

    6. You become more annoying than your kids and keep asking “are we there yet?”

    5. You need to tell your spouse NTS at the Prometric Test Center is not a new type of STD (Honey, I got an NTS, I am heading to the test center now, it’s going to take 3 hrs and very painful. Wish me good luck.)

    4. An inch you gained on your belly is an inch closer to your CPA.

    3. Don’t whine or nag about your CPA experience at work! No one really cares!

    2. It’s like a toothache. People know how painful it’s. But Only you can actually feel it.

    1. Be persistent! We Will not take “no” as an answer!


    i second [#1] above. even though the AICPA released questions are not going to be used again [or so they say], it is really nice to get a feel for what real/actual questions look like. i would definitely recommend reviewing them. i would usually do this a day or two before my test for an extra boost after i would get a 65 on my becker final exam.

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!



    I had to laugh at your #10. That's for sure. I wish they'd put a bathroom IN the testing room so that you don't have to go through all that crap just to pee so you can concentrate.

    If you don't mind me asking, is English your first language?

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    no. I am Chinese. 🙂


    Omigosh, I want to go to China so bad. I have friends in Shenyang right now.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    @Katie. The last time I was there was 14-15 years ago…lots have changed. I do miss the food. 🙂 everything is so fresh out there.


    @Cannot Pass Again

    I preferred Gleim over Wiley because of price, ease of use and comprehensiveness. Also, they specifically identify previous CPA questions, therefore, sometimes I would just drill through and concentrate on those, versus wasting my time on ridiculously difficult questions. I don't think you can go wrong either way, but I liked Gleim.

    Also, it was only like $55 when I purchased it earlier this year.

    BEC- 76 (08/10)- PASS
    AUD- 85 (11/10)- PASS
    REG- 71 (02/11), 81 (04/11)- PASS
    FAR- 73 (05/11), 74 (08/11), 79 (11/11)- PASS


    i just bought gleim test prep and i paid $85, it comes with the book as well as the cd.

    for 2012, you can no longer just get the cd for $55, u have to get the book as well




    Very true — esp #10. Also #8, you do need a good support system to keep you on track when you are about to lose it!!

    BEC 11/10 - 77
    REG 11/10 - 66, 8/11 - 84
    AUD 4/11 - 86
    FAR 4/11 - 67, 11/11 - 83

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