Tired of studying for FAR…ugh!!!!

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  • #202067

    Less than 10 days until my FAR exam and I am exhausted!! I have been studying since the end of March plus working full time and I am so tired of looking at FAR material. I managed to get through all my material but I still feel like I should be studying more, especially on my weak areas. I’m trending around 67 on my MCQs in my review course and was pretty focused the first couple of weeks but now I just want this to be over with so I can move on to AUD. Does anybody feel/felt like this? How did you push through it? I’m just tired of looking at FAR material but I know I need to push a little bit more. It’s just so hard to focus during these last few days…ugh!!!

    FAR - 5/28/2016 - 67 Planning for a retake
    AUD - 7/2/2016
    REG - 8/12/2016
    BEC - 9/8/2016

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

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  • #777167

    I feel exactly the same way, but being that this is my last exam I keep telling myself that I only have to be miserable for a couple more weeks. I've been told the more miserable you make yourself studying for these exams, usually the better you do on the test. Keep pushing forward, and we will both conquer this beast! Good luck!

    REG: 84 (10/5/15)
    AUD: 83 (11/23/15)
    BEC: 77 (2/27/16) - The bubble sucks
    FAR: 90 (7/20/16) - AND DONE FOREVER!!!!!


    I've felt the same way. I took a few days off from studying and felt refreshed and eager to hit the books again. It gave my brain the needed rest.

    FAR - Passed (04/16) ROGER
    AUD - Passed (05/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    REG - Passed (07/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    BEC - 08/16


    @alltheway, I am right there with you. I was supposed to do chapt 10 of Becker this week, but just cannot watch another minute of Tim Gearty. I'm writing on June 10th and just completely unmotivated at this point. I think it is because after all this effort I am still trending in the 60s as well. With REG, I was in the 80s before the exam, so I felt like my efforts were fruitful-not with FAR!

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    OP –

    Far was my first exam as well (around this time last year). I remember thinking “How the hell am I gonna do that 3 more times!?”…Exhaustion is part of the journey, embrace it and take it one day at a time!

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    I totally lost motivation after tax season. I studied two and a half weeks for my retake as best I could and took the exam on the 13th of May. I just want this process to be over with.

    REG - 10/12/2015 77
    AUD - 01/06/2016 75
    BEC - 01/16/2016 75
    FAR - 02/27/2016 68 Retake 05/13/16 70 Retake TBD


    I have studied since 03/05, and am taking my test on 06/10. I feel like it might be all for naught, being that I am starting the complete review today, but have forgotten most of it from the beginning. Any less time though, and I feel like I would have been cutting it too short. Frustrated, to say the least.

    BEC (2/28/16) ----- 78
    FAR (09/10/16)-----



    @dave71 I had Texas Franchise Tax to get through so busy season lasted a couple weeks longer. The past few weeks have been long yet short…but definitely a blur.


    Same here. I'm totally sick of this. In fact, I have not been focused at all and will have to push this test off until July, I think.

    AUD 11/15 91
    BEC 1/16 83
    REG 2/16 79
    FAR 7/16


    I am with you all. I take this 5/31 and nearly through the material but leaves me approximately 10 days to review I started mid April and it simply was not enough time for the amount of material. I cannot agree with anyone who thinks the others are harder than FAR. When I consider the vast amount of information and only 90 MCQs and 7 Sims it boggles my mind.

    I know I don't know 75% of the material but I hope I know 75 points worth of what they test on 5/31.

    My fatigue and motivation is nil. I just keep saying 75 points and I am done with %$#@.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    Ha youre tired..ive been studying since Jan, im talking 4-5 hours a day 6 days a week..and NASBA has all my stuff screwed up I have over 30 credits they tell me im okay then last mintute say I need 1 extra..so I wont be able to take it until July..

    IF I fail FAR ill go postal..

    Id take a couple days off before the exam..if you studied long and hard one or two days wont matter learning material..but a couple days off will help you feel refreshed before the exam.


    You're not alone. I'm super bored as hell. I felt like I was done with the exam since I passed the first part. Spent too much energy, now I'm slacking ad kinda lack motivation.

    REG: 77 x2
    BEC: 81 x3
    FAR: 68 retake 10/1
    AUD: 8/27


    @ CPA_alltheway..what an Irony..I started studying for FAR end of March as well. My exam is same day as yours and I feel I keep forgetting the material from earlier topics as I move on to next one. I am doing review now and trending between 60-75%. IMO, I have scheduled my exam too far out and feels like been studying forever. My plan is to finish my review by Sunday or Monday, then Tuesday/Wednesday MCQ/SIMS/Practice Exam, Thursday Pound MCQ as much as I can and Friday more MCQ and Practice Exam. Good luck with your exam!! I will post my experience after the test.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    Thanks everyone. I got my second wind and I'm back in the ring. Good luck to everyone. We can do this!!

    @kanwal78 wow same FAR exam dates. Let's hope we both get passing scores. Good luck on next Saturday!!

    FAR - 5/28/2016 - 67 Planning for a retake
    AUD - 7/2/2016
    REG - 8/12/2016
    BEC - 9/8/2016

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

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