Starting the CPA journey.. again. Advice needed!

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    Everyone’s screen name has a background. Mine, “TXCPAGAL12”, was created with hopes that I’d be a CPA by 2012…

    When I joined in late 2011, life had gone off without a hitch, which has why its been hard to accept that I couldn’t just pass all 4 with flying colors the first time.

    Around the same time that I started the CPA journey, I also encountered a terribly rough patch in my (new) marriage that has finally started to smooth out. That along with news of terminal cancer within my immediate family in which my MIL is still battling was tough.

    All that is said not because I am using it as an excuse, but because I feel like I’ve finally come to terms that life will get in the way, however I can’t let it completely derail my dreams and I need to just stick it through.

    Its now 2015 and after countless hours of studying, probably over thousands in exam prep and fees, all I had to ever show for my work was 1 credit for AUD, and many “almost-passes” within a couple points for BEC and REG. Lost my AUD credit in Sept 2014.

    My “cooling off” period is now over and I’ve decided its time to tackle this again. I wanted to start with AUD to give me the confidence I need again to re-start. I currently work in internal audit and since that was the only one I passed last time it seemed to make the most sense.

    Can anyone recommend study programs that have worked for them after going through similar situations as mine? (being “stuck” and then getting “unstuck” after trying a new study method)

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"

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  • #676174

    Hey, TXCPAGAL12. Don't give up hope! I've had several bumps in the road, too, and I wanted to give up many times, but I stuck it out and just got my license in CO. I'll give you a little background.

    I interned at a Big 4 firm, then at the end of my internship, my mom passed away, which naturally was difficult to deal with. I received a full-time offer at the Big 4 firm and started the job the summer after my internship. I lasted a little less than 3 months before I resigned. I won't get into the details; it just wasn't the right timing for me given some family issues I had going on at that time.

    I thought I'd never pass all four parts. I took REG in Nov. 2011 and failed miserably. I passed AUD in Spring 2012 but lost credit for it along the way. I paid for a total of 22 exams: FAR 8 times, AUD 4 times, REG 5 times, and BEC 5 times. I skipped some of the exams because I just wasn't prepared when exam day rolled around. In other words, I was interested in passing but not committed. It took the impending change in the Colorado licensing rules to finally give me the kick in the butt that I needed because I didn't have the required year of experience, and I wanted to qualify under the education in lieu of experience rule that expires 7/1/15.

    I started out using Becker but switched to Yaeger and Ninja MCQ for all parts. It's been three years since I graduated with my masters in accounting, and the details provided in the Yaeger lectures were good for review. At times the lectures got kind of long and boring, but I'm glad I put in the time to watch them. I took lots and lots of notes rather than highlighting (as recommended in the Ninja study method), did lots of MCQs in the Wiley books, and did thousands of Ninja MCQs. I found the Ninja MCQs to be the most helpful study questions.

    Hope all this helps. You are not alone in what you've been through, and, yes life will continue to get in the way. I thought I had a business opportunity lined up, but that's falling apart. So now I'm job hunting. You just have to take a few deep breaths and move on. And know that you can pass this thing!


    @LorilnCO, congrats on sticking it out and passing ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sounds like we have similar stories. I think I took AUD 4x, BEC 4x, and REG 2x so far. Fingers crossed this 2nd time around won't add much to those stats.

    I started with Wiley/Yaeger but those lectures are brutal, and I wasn't a fan of how Wiley changed their MCQ format. Around that time the NINJA MCQs came out, and I was able to try those and liked the format for the most part. So I'm thinking of going exclusively with NINJA- maybe purchasing some updated Wiley books since mine are from 2012, just not sure on that part yet. Thanks for your advice!

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"


    I can relate – I was planning on being a CPA by 2010, but clearly that did not happen.

    I think I took probably as many, if not a few more, exams than you with the same result – only ever passed AUD. I would highly recommend starting with AUD this time around. I did the same thing and it was a good confidence boost for me to pass that one again. I used Becker my first go-around, but it didn't really work for me (clearly, given how many times I failed). I've been using Ninja this time around, supplemented with my old Becker books and youtube videos. I like the Ninja MCQs and the notes. I wish the book was a little bit more detailed. So far, so good, however – I've been able to pass 2 (AUD & FAR), which is a vast improvement from before!

    Good luck as you start this process over again. It's not easy, but it's worth it ๐Ÿ™‚


    Oh, I feel your pain on taking the exams multiple times. You know it's bad when one of the guys at Prometric says, “You come here often, don't you?” I told him that if the accounting thing didn't work out, I'd get a job at Prometric since I knew how to do their jobs!

    Yes, the Yaeger lectures are brutal. Phil usually confused me more than anything. I agree with you on the Wiley MCQs. I did a lot of the ones in the book that Yaeger assigned, but I ended up using mostly the Ninja MCQs for FAR (mainly because I kept putting off studying and ran out of time) which was my last exam. So many of Wiley's questions are way longer than anything on the exam, and I didn't find them overly helpful with the sims. I like that Ninja provides explanations on which answer is correct and why. I took a lot of notes just on those MCQs.

    I also had the 2012 Wiley book, but I bought the 2015 Yaeger Cram courses for AUD and FAR, so I got the 2015 Wiley books. FAR is about an inch thicker for 2015. Just be sure you are aware of the changes to the exam between 2012 and 2015. That was probably the most helpful thing about getting the CRAM courses, plus I wanted to listen to a few of the lectures again and figured I could stand the shorter lectures in the CRAM course. Good luck!


    Welcome back…..this is a long process (if we let it) life is what it is. The others are probably tired of my story where I wasted a whole year scheduling and rescheduling and feeling ready and not really studying. So I know how you really feel. If this is your time to jump back in…jump in. Good luck and happy studying,

    In addition, I stopped spending so much money changing review courses. What ever you use stick with it so you can get the benefit from it. I am using Ninja because for me the course get right to the point. I need to know what's important and get to it.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Thanks everyone for the input! I am leaning toward starting off AUD with NINJA only and seeing how that goes. Fortunately I have the old Wiley books that I can use for reference, and if I really needed to I'm sure I can find a used 2014/2015 version on Ebay if needed.

    @tncincy – Agree on NINJA. From my past experience it seems to get right to the point and while I don't know yet if using NINJA exclusively will work (since I used Wiley/Yaeger and NINJA notes for AUD when I passed), I'm willing to find out. ๐Ÿ™‚

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"


    ninja now has books, flashcards, condensed notes, audio and blitz videos. You can buy the whole package and I'm sure it's more than enough to pass. For all my passes I supplemented NINJA mcq with Becker. Scores aren't great but a pass is a pass. Goodluck on your journey!

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