Those who had a reg Retake, did you feel more relaxed on the retake?

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  • #202581

    I barely failed reg with a 72. I bombed my sims and I’m sure I got some mcqs wrong from being NERVOUS and overthinking. I’m going through the ninja mcqs again and I feel pretty good about them this time.

    When you retook REG did you feel more confident? I feel like if I get SIMS that are more doable I can nail it this time!

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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  • #780336

    I feel more confident with each retake lol… But since each exam is different you never know what they're gonna throw at you. I really hope I did enough to pass.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    I get stressed out but do feel better if I studied well (like I did for this retake). I have thoughts like “what if I didn't focus enough on a certain topic.” You never know what they are testing on. i walked into it thinking I've done all I could at this point. I will say, what they tested on makes sense now. After my first fail and second retake I get to understand more of what the exam preparers are looking for. Business law for example was very heavy on one topic. Some topics I saw 0 questions on. The sims I had one that I KNEW I would see. It's obvious reviewing Roger material what that would be. I saw a similar sim on the FAR exam.

    Regulation For The Win!

    FAR 57, 62, 77
    BEC 70,77
    AUD 54,78
    REG 66, 62, 7/29


    Roger CPA Review / Ninja MCQ Supplement

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time - Thomas Edison


    I passed REG on the first attempt, but I have had to retake each other exam =( Anyway, I feel there is a little more pressure to pass on subsequent attempts. I think that the advantage you have with a retake is that the material is already somewhat familiar. Additionally, you can usually identify areas that you really did not know well the first time around.

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