The "I'm trying to convince myself I passed" thread

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  • #163704

    Took REG on 11/28 for the 2nd time. First time I took it I studied for about 5 weeks and was coming right off studying for and taking AUD so I was definitely burnt out. I got a 72.

    This time I put in about 6 weeks and was coming straight off taking AUD for the 2nd time as well (which I passed whoopee).

    I feel like I did so much worse this time around on REG but for some reason I’m trying to convince myself I passed. Like I seriously straight educated guessed on about 70% of the sims (covered nowhere in my Becker or Wiley reviews), and my 2nd mcq testlet was like WTF (which means I prob did good on the 1st). But basically I realistically feel like I did not pass coming out of the exam.

    But somehow, I’m trying to convince myself I passed. Like regardless of how I know I guessed on the sims, how i was like wtf on about 25% of the mcq’s, I will wake up on 12/7 or 12/8 and see a 75+. Because there’s no way I can fail again right? Right? I’m trying to convince myself I passed, I passed REG I passed REG i passed REG i passed REG i passed REG

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  • #312450

    I'm right there with you! I walked out of REG about 90% sure I failed because the testlets didn't seem to get harder as I progressed… I'm keeping in mind that many amazing people on this forum felt the same walking out of their exams and those were the scores that ended up being their best! I'm hoping I'll fall in that group after next week's score release.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    I know from experience that it's possible because when I walked out of FAR I was 99% sure that I didn't pass and I ended up with an 80something. But the reverse happened also, I was about 90% sure I passed AUD the first time and I ended up with a 70. I have no idea how they score these things and I seriously feel that there is absolutely no telling whether or not you passed or failed.


    I have given up trying to gauge how I did. I haven't felt good about any of them after I left, but only failed one. Looks like we're all waiting on what could be our last score. Good luck!


    I'm in the opposite camp. I passed my first two (BEC & AUD), so I'm trying NOT to get my hopes up for FAR. The disappointment will be hard enough to swallow and I figure it will be more manageable if it's what I'm expecting.

    Hopefully we receive good news on 12/7. Seems closer now that it's officially December!


    eek. the further away my test gets, the more i am like oh yeah, of course i passed… but in reality i think its because i forgot what was actually on the test. haha… fingers crossed.

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!


    After I took BEC on 11/30 I was so happy…I think I thought there was a good chance I passed…but now I'm beginning to get nervous that there's a good chance I didn't….aaaaahhhhhhh………..

    I already checked out the seat availability to sit again in January…

    Just a couple of days left!!!!!!


    @acct – how come you are doubting yourself?



    I really guessed on a few of the questions. I had no clue what to do and I just tried to figure out which of the answers would be the best one and which the AICPA would have just stuck in to throw test takers off…I think I also felt I knew the 3rd testlet better than the other two, but technically it could have been harder material that I had just studied better….

    I left about 45 min. for the Written Communications but I ended up running out of time for the 3rd one and had to be more brief than I had wanted.

    I guess because I already didn't pass once I'm nervous I won't pass again…


    I really really really want to pass AUD! But the more I keep thinking I passed, the more sad it makes me to think that I might've failed…hate this feeling, I really hope we ALL pass!

    Class of 2012


    I'm on an emotional roller coaster over here… at one point I'm feeling better about my chances of passing REG but then I check myself and try not to get too excited just so that I'm not devastated when the score is <75. Then there are moments when I'm completely convinced that I failed miserably.

    The closer I am to actually seeing my score, the more nervous I become.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review


    I'm gonna be pissed if I don't pass….especially since I put like 130 hours of study time into this REG test!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    @KasiaS Same here!! I go through stages of optimism and pessimism daily…


    @ Redrage Yep you are full of RAGE!!!! Raaaaah. lol You did fine. You will look at your score and laugh and say all that worry for nothing I am a Tax Expert. Then you will break out in a little dance around the room.

    I cant wait for this to be over.
    BEC-11/27/11-Failed(UGH)Back to the drawing board
    FAR- Aug 2012


    lol..thanks MOMCPA2B

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    @dodgerdawg, it's good to know I'm not the only one! I'm just grateful that the scores are being released this week. I don't think I can put up with thes ups and downs much longer especially since I don't have another exam to study for. I refuse to start studying for a retake because then it'll be like I'm accepting defeat already. lol. I don't wanna tempt the accounting gods into swaying that way.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review

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