Test in 2 weeks – lack motivation

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  • #1319323

    My REG exam is in two weeks, on 11/28. I’ve finished going through all the Wiley lessons and now I’m to my planned review time. I’ve got the Wiley focus notes and then I purchased the Ninja MCQ. I’ve done 30 questions today. I’m seriously lacking the motivation.

    I wonder if I gave myself too much time to review? I scheduled my exam for after Thanksgiving since I have that weekend off and my husband works, so I’ll have two days of interrupted study/cram time.

    Any tips or tricks for motivation?

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  • #1319405

    Finish Reg before April. Think about the changes that should be a big factor. Im waiting for my REG score too in a few weeks. I know it sucks but just think about having to retake it the second time or having a section expiring.. That should help u keep moving forward. No one wants to study if they have the option to. Heck, I rather watch TV after work than pulling out my computer and stare at Ninja/Becker or anything of that sort.

    Imagine being done ASAP having all those free time to hang out with family and planning vacation. Im already booking my tickets to California for the summer..that really motivates me to be done before then!




    Spartans has a good point, but, I say take a day or two off…go see a movie, go hiking, skiing, boating. Whatever…then, get back to studying. It sounds like you are well prepared, and your brain is screaming for a break!


    In my opinion, the last two weeks are integral. With the new changes coming up, lack of motivation should be nonexistent. Find it deep down within, and do thousands of MC in the next 2 weeks


    I am in the same boat. BEC on nov30.Last chance to pass or i loose REG. I was freaking out and almost had nervous break down. There was no motivation and i was not at all productive. I thought taking a break is not right thing. But after five non productive days finally took 3 days off and just listen to music to calm me down and get my sanity back. I would recommend to take 2 days complete off. You sill have time . Remember its better 2 hours of productive study is better then 4 hours of non productive days. Today i am back and going to listen to the cram . After 2 days i will again hit non stop MC. Also change you method of studying eg. few mc , read notes and listen to lectures. Do what ever works for you .But you need to calm down.
    Gook luck!

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