First of all, I want to let you know that I didn't use the Becker program for my review. I did have a copy of the Becker text and chapter notes and read both, but I didn't attend or view classes and didn't do the Becker homework. Instead, I did all the problems in the Wiley text and test bank. I don't know exactly how much time the classes take, but I'm assuming that the study time you told me is over and above the time you will spend in classes.
Secondly, it's tough but probably the best situation you could be in given the circumstances. AUD isn't easy but probably takes the least time to prepare for because it covers less material than FAR or REG and is narrower in focus than BEC. You have to study for it like it's brand new to you since it's been several months since you took it. However, you will probably grasp the material more quickly this time around because it is familiar and because there is a close relationship between some of the topics in AUD and FAR.
Here are my suggestions:
1. Right now, go thru your FAR notes and make a fairly detailed list of your weaker areas
2. You don't say when your AUD class starts, but go ahead and start reading the text and working MCQ for practice right now. The more you can get done now, the better off you'll be.
3. At least once and preferably twice per week, do some FAR problems to help keep the material fresh. Ideally, I'd do a general sampling one day and a focus on one or two weak areas the second. If you find that you really need this time for AUD, that's probably OK since you have almost 4 weeks between the two exams. However, I think it will make your life easier when you start back on FAR if you can do this.
4. During your review, focus only on AUD.
5. As soon as you're done with AUD, start your FAR review. You'll have almost 4 weeks so that should be plenty of time.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
FAR 4/1/11 - 89
AUD 4/15/11 - 85
REG 4/29/11 - 80
BEC 5/13/11 - 85