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  • #163916

    Hey everyone,

    First post on the site, I’ve been an admirer from afar for a while. I’m graduating in May, I interned with McGladrey last Spring so I’ll be starting with them again in July (International Tax).

    I am going to take REG in Feb, AUD in May, and FAR in July, so I’m hoping to have 3 sections complete before I start back with them. I’m looking for suggestions on exam prep, I’ve already received my Becker materials (McGladrey paid and chosen for me) and it has me starting to study January 9 (I plan on going through REG over Xmas break, not only for something to do, but also to give myself a little more assurance). I’ll be taking 12 credits in the spring semester, Becker has me studying 25-30 hours per week, how many of you guys/gals have used Becker self-study successfully, and more importantly, how beneficial did you find it?

    Thanks for all of the insight I’ve gained from “trolling,” the forum!

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  • #312739


    I used Becker self-study and found it very good. I also purchased their flashcards which I found extremely beneficial. Additionally, for FAR and AUD, I used the Wiley books a little as a supplement, but it wasn't necessarily a need. I passed FAR, AUD and REG (I think I only used Becker self-study for REG). With BEC, I didn't study as well as I should have and did not manage to cover all the materials…I didn't pass yet, but it had nothing to do with the review material – I just did not focus enough and spend enough quality time studying. I bought NINJA notes, Wiley online test bank and Roger Cram and used them as supplements for Becker for studying BEC again. I'm waiting on my score for that one.

    Many people use only Becker and find it sufficient. It should be enough, but if you feel more comfortable using other review material in addition to Becker, there are many inexpensive options available. It depends what methods and styles of learning (and lectures…) work best for you…

    See Pee A

    I've been using Becker and it's worked fine for me. If you put your heart and soul into your prep then it should be more than sufficient. I spent all of this semester studying while in class and it was fairly tough. You really have to stay on top of everything and get back on track quickly if you fall behind (i.e. that immediate weekend). It will be worthwhile though. I can't recommend finishing the CPA (or as much of it as possible) before starting work. Looking at what I went through, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it would have been if I had to work full weeks too. Good luck!

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study

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