Studying strategies for FAR

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  • #166369

    I am taking the exam for the first time and chose to do FAR. I am planning on taking it either the 1st or 2nd week of April, which will give me about 8 weeks to prepare for the section.

    So far, I’m in day 7 of my studying and going over F-2. I’ve been watching the lectures from Becker first, and then taking notes on the major parts that they go over on a notebook. I pretty much re-write all the important things they go over. I’ve been following the NINJA method and not focusing too much on MC this early into my studying. I’ve just been going over the homework and making sure I understand the core concepts, but not necessarily making sure I score really high the MC’s yet. I figure I’d really hit the MCs and Sims for all modules a couple weeks before the exam. Is it a good idea to get the core concepts down early and then focus on the MCs later on or should I be putting a little more attention throughout my study?

    So far, writing my own notes is what’s taking the most of my time. I hope it pays off in the end.

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  • #324100

    I don't have a lot of advice, as I am studying for FAR myself, but with BEC I plowed through studying, and then used MCQ's to reinforce what I had learned. In some cases I was actually using the MCQ's to learn the concepts. Seems to have worked for me. Good luck!

    BEC - 81 (Nov 2011)
    FAR - 87 (May 2012)(Skipped 1st window)
    AUD - 80 (Aug 2012)
    REG - 81 (Nov 2012)


    I think you'll need way more than 2 weeks to get through all the FAR multiple choice questions. I would recommend going through F1-F3 completely (including MCQs) and then doing a review of F1-F3, to keep things fresh. Then do F4 to F7 completely, review F4-F7…then finish off with F8-F9, another review…THEN review F1-F9, if you feel like you need extra practice, get the Wiley test bank. Good luck!

    Class of 2012


    Thanks for the advice. I feel like I'm taking an extraordinary amount of time writing my own notes.


    I study from Wiley, the techniques that I follow I read the chapter and highlights the important thing and if there is any memories sentence I memorize it and write it down on my notes then I explain the chapter by talking with my-self in front of the mirror looool, then I jump to the MSQ solve it and checking the score and finally understand the simulation. After that I comeback to the chapter and reviewed it 1 to 2 times before the exam.

    waiting the NTS Ooops.
    Ready to accept the Shock ";Pp
    1-FAR, waiting
    2-REG, waiting
    3-AUD, waiting
    4-BEC, waiting

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