Studying for 2 Exams at Once

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  • #2014106

    So I’ve been trying to register for the CPA and studying FAR for the past 2 months. I’m ready to take FAR, but when I called NASAB, they messed up and it will be another 7 weeks before anything is even processed. So, I need to study something else while I wait. Should I do BEC or Audit? Is one more compatible with FAR? I need to finish both by December 1st. Mostly I just want someone to hold me and tell me it’s all gonna be ok.

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  • #2014109

    AUD is by far more compatible with FAR. You will use a lot of your FAR knowledge on AUD. I 100% recommend studying for that one next! BEC is much more of a grab bag with topics that have nothing to do with FAR, such as Econ and IT.

    You can do it! Eventually you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and everything will be ok. 🙂


    AUD has the most overlap with FAR of any other section. BEC is a mish-mash of cost accounting and general business concepts that has very little to do with FAR, or any other section really. Some people might say to try and shoehorn REG in before the test changes after this quarter, but if you're trying to keep FAR material fresh AUD is probably your best shot. You could reasonably study for AUD and stay fresh with FAR for the next 7 weeks and likely take both before December 1st if you really commit yourself to studying. However, I would make damn sure FAR material didn't get stale in my mind by constantly doing progress tests or something like that. I would rather re-study for AUD 10 times before re-studying for FAR once.

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