Studying during busy season question.

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Thot.
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  • #1691354


    Has anyone tried slowly working their way through becker (10 hours a week) and been able to retain the information they’re going through by the end of it or is it just a waste of time? Trying to figure out if its worth casually studying through busy season since I will be putting in 80-90 hours or just wait until afterwards to grind through FAR. I have 10 months before BEC expires with FAR and REG left so trying to give myself the best chance of passing a test come April/May.

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  • #1691392

    Being that you have a good chunk of time to study, I think you should go for it and if you're worried that you'll forget some concepts, then just do periodic reviews. Maybe once a week or on weekends dedicate that day to just doing a high-level analysis of what you studied/accomplished that week to refresh your memory so you can go into the next week ready to target the next set of materials. That can also be a time to target some weaker areas or tough topics you came across during that week.

    I think if you start now, you will thank yourself so much for it when April/May comes, it will almost feel like you got a head-start as opposed to starting from scratch. FAR and REG are both BEASTS! I am fortunate to have passed both, now that I think of it we are in exact opposite situations lol.

    Also, FAR has the most material out of all of the exams and if I'm not mistaken REG comes in second, so that's another reason I'd recommend trying to start sooner rather than later.

    Best of luck!


    @kavs11 It's hard to say that “casual studying” will be effective, but – as long as you're doing cumulative reviews periodically, as the other poster mentioned, you should be able to nail down the concepts. I understand busy season can be demanding, but if you are not married or don't have kids, commit all of the possible time outside of work to study/review – while allowing yourself enough sleep/rest, of course. Got to rest your brain sometime!


    80-90 hours?


    I study about 10 hours a week due to work and family. I've taken REG and got a 67. I think it's do-able. I realize now that I didn't do nearly enough MCQs before my exam.

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