Study Tips Needed – REG 1/18/17

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    My REG retake is scheduled for 1/18/17. I’ve got about two weeks to go. The first time through REG I went through the CPAexcel material and did some Ninja MCQ. Well, I got a 62. For BEC I was able to bump my score 10 points each time, but this time, I need to bump 13 at least. I really do not want to take this exam again in April. I’ve purchased Ninja material. I have hand written all of the flash cards, watched and taken notes for all of the Blitz videos. Just started on MCQ today. Any tips on what to do for the next two weeks? Just try and do as many MCQ as possible? Or should I rewrite the Ninja notes? I guess I just need help planning how to study for the next two weeks.

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  • #1406228

    Go through NINJA first and see if you're weak in any areas. If so, finish this week's of MCQs and start rewriting out the notes again for those weak areas. You MUST do SIMs for NINJA. Even if you feel you have a decent grasp of the material, the SIMs is where they get you since you have to start applying it.

    Spend quality time on the SIMs…..

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    What helped me was to read the book in the final three days before my exam. Those final days I don't do any mcq's just read the book to pick up concepts that might have slipped the first time through the course. It has helped me pass Aud, Bec, and Reg so far

    BEC-Sept 4


    Thanks for the ideas! I've started Ninja MCQ and it's going better than I thought. Mostly 80-90% on the quizzes. I might have a chance this time! I'm planning on studying most of the weekend.


    Hey @meg267 Congrats on the REG score! What did you do to improve the score so much? I'm testing in a few weeks. All advice is greatly appreciated and did you study any forms in particular?


    Yes, I am also curious @meg267!! Please let us know how you studied to improve your score! I am scheduled to take REG on 3/8, and I feel like I am not going to be prepared enough. I am almost done with all of the chapters in Becker, and I find the business law to be much easier than tax. I liked my business law class in college, and HATED tax. I feel like it should be more interesting to me, but I think I psych myself out and tell myself it’s too hard. I want to have a better understanding of tax and I plan on dedicating two weeks before the exam to really hammer the tax part… hopefully it will start clicking. Please impart some wisdom on us:)


    Hey! My first time at REG I used Wiley and barely touched Ninja MCQ. This time, I didn't touch my Wiley materials at all. I purchased the Ten Point Combo (got it on a BOGO even!). I wrote out all of the flashcards by hand. Took me over a week! That was a great way to read through everything, and the muscle memory helps. Then I did the Ninja Blitz videos, again writing notes. I think Jeff does a great job explaining the topics. I finally was able to have them “click”. I listed to Ninja audio while I worked and before bed. One night, my husband found me asleep with lectures still going. I spent the last two weeks before my exam doing as many Ninja MCQ as I could. If I got a question wrong, I would read why it was wrong, and write down a short note. The last day before my exam, I went back through trouble questions – any that I had missed, to see where I stood. I went through all of the Ninja notes and wrote down a few more items that I was still struggling with.

    I think the big thing for me was finding a better way to learn and understand the material. Write stuff down! Definetly helped me. It's time consuming, but so worth it. I walked out of my REG exam with an hour left, feeling that I passed. It was such a great feeling. Even better when I found out this week that I actually did pass! Good luck to the both of you!


    Thanks so much for the advice @meg267, it's greatly appreciated. One last question, I know it helps to look at the tax forms to study but how did you go about studying them? I figured the 1040 obviously, k1 and m1&m3 might be the best to look at but i just wanted to see if you focused on any in particular. Thanks again and congrats on the score =]


    My advice is study as if you were starting all over. A lot of people study less intensely for a retake and get lower score than previously. Also, I personally raced through MCQs and left myself 90 minutes for SIMs. If you treat unknown SIMs as research questions it will help. Give yourself time and know how to us AL well–the key to REG, I think.

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