Study Plans of Attack, I need help!

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  • #164265

    I got a 74 on AUD and a 72 on REG. What would your study plan be if your are planning to sit for AUD at the end of Jan and REG at the end of Feb. Study everything? Do more of a cram over those weeks or what? Definitely MCQs!! Read all the chapters again? What would your study plan be if you were in this possible situation. Any help is well appreciated. My thoughts for AUD was to do more of the Roger Cram, MCQs, Flashcards, & Ninja Notes and possibly the same study plan for REG. Please tell me if tha sounds like a good plan or should I start from scratch!!! Thanks Everyone!

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012

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  • #314219

    Sounds like a good plan to me, but I would also try to read the book again.

    People say if you fail, even if you get a 74, you should study as though you got a much lower score – not as though you just need to get another couple of points.

    Good luck!!



    I can give you some input on audit, since I too got a 74 πŸ™

    When I took audit the first time back in July I did the following:

    1) watched lectures and typed notes at the same time

    2) read/skimmed the chapter after each lecture

    3) did MCQs and took notes on questions that I missed

    4) re-did all the MCQs again for a second time

    5) did all the simulations that Becker and AICPA provided.

    Second time I did the following:

    1) went straight to Becker MCQs

    2) any topics scored below 80% I re-watched the lecture on that topic

    3) took some people's advice and decided to re-write notes, however, didn't want to re-write Becker so I re-wrote Ninja, ha!

    4) re-did all the MCQs again for a second time

    5) did all the Wiley 2011 audit MCQs (about 700+)

    6) did all the Becker simulations, AICPA released questions (those are HARD), and some Wiley simulations.

    7) read Ninja every day before I went to bed.

    8) went online and watched some Roger demo audit videos, listened to Jeff's videos on youtube πŸ˜€

    9) watched Jeff's facebook video on all the different types of reports.

    I would say this, study the second time around MORE THAN the first time. Now I can truely say that I didn't study enough for audit my first time. and OMG, don't waste time on audit sims and practice exams, you might want to do it once for more practice questions but focus on MCQs.

    Good Luck !! πŸ˜€


    Thanks Artelery and Acct. I will definitely be using your suggestions.. I will definitely knock out as many MCQs as I can. I also purchase the Roger Cram which I am planning to utilize as well. Hopefully I will pass AUD & REG this next testing window.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    I would recommend to use Wiley MC as an assurance tool to test yourself that if you really know the material. If you are weak on sims, memorize the main sections and the topics for them. This will come in handy when you work on the sims. I practiced research questions to test myself to see 1)how fast I can find the info; 2) did I get to the right answer. Review the materials 2-3 days before the big day to set everything straight. I did not have time to do it myself even though I passed; but I know if I had done it, I would get at least 5 more points. Good luck in 2012, you will pass them!


    arterly- 2 questions about reading the NINJA notes every night before bed. I am considering adding this to my study regimen for REG. (Jeff mentioned you on his podcast, by the way! Great to be a success story, eh?)

    1. How long did you spend on it? Did you read thoroughly for comprehension each time or skim?

    2. Did it confuse you? I am worried that reading the notes before I have covered all the topics might be confusing. I'm probably overanalyzing, but it's what I do πŸ™‚



    I just realized we got the same score on both exams. Even though we got the same scores, I wonder if our score release reports compare? curious?!

    For what it is worth: I am completely starting over. I am using the Roger course for Audit, supplementing with Bisk, and REG I will be using the full Roger course. I am starting with listening to the lectures, and taking notes. But this time I am really trying to listen carefully, not drift off, or check my emails during the lecture. Real quality time. I tend to be easily distracted, so I know I have to work on this. And I will rewrite notes before I begin the final review.Also going to use Gleim Sim wizard for both exams. BTW the Roger crams are awesome. He really covers alot in great detail.

    We both need to knock these out in 2012!!!!



    1. I read thoroughly each time, it took me about 1 1/2 hrs (sometimes 2 hrs), I usually went to bed at midnight so I would start reading Ninja around 10pm.

    2. Nop, audit Ninja was pretty consistent with Becker so it totally helped me understood some of the Becker materials that I was confused on. Reading Ninja gave me an “ah ha” moment which was GREAT πŸ˜€ I am not sure for REG though. Good luck!!


    You are so welcome, good luck!!


    Good luck, thanks for your support, enjoy your christmas πŸ™‚ you will pass for sure in 2012.


    @ yankee, wow!!!!! Give me a second I will post my reports on this thread so we can compare.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    @ Yankee- here is my AUD diagnostic report:

    Understanding the Engagement – Weaker

    Understanding Entity – Comparable

    Procedure & Evidence – Weaker

    Evaluation & Reporting – Weaker

    Accounting & Review Services – Stronger

    Professional Responsibilities – Stronger

    MCQS – Weaker

    SIMS – Comparable

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    @Yankee – ere is my REG report

    Ethics & Legal Responsibilities – Stronger

    Busines Law – Comparable

    Federal Tax Process – Stronger

    Taxation Property – Comparable

    Individual Tax – Stronger

    Tax on Entities – Comparable

    MCQs – Comparable

    SIMS – Weakere

    I knew the SIMs killed me on REG.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012



    I think this just shows that the sims are really the make or break thing for sure.

    Here is my Audit report:

    Understanding the Engagement – Stonger

    Understanding Entity – Comparable

    Procedure & Evidence – Comparable

    Evaluation & Reporting – Comparable

    Accounting & Review Services – Stronger

    Professional Responsibilities – Comparable

    Overall: mcq's: stronger

    sims: weaker



    Ok, here is my REG,

    Ethics & Legal Responsibilities – Weaker (I have no idea how I messed that up???)

    Busines Law – Stronger

    Federal Tax Process – Stronger

    Taxation Property – Comparable

    Individual Tax – Comparable

    Tax on Entities – Comparable


    Sims: weaker



    I think our REG scores look very similar, but the Audit seems different, and that to me says that the scoring on the sims can make or break you.What do you think?

    This is the hard part. How do I prepare for the sims? Not a clue. I guess I just go for getting more stronger categories going forward on both tests.



    I feel you yankee!.. I got weaker on my MCQS on AUD but I felt like i did well on them and I got Comparable on the SIMS. I think what really helped me on the AUD SIMS was the search engine. but for REG I had a lot of “off the wall” SIMS and I was totally lost on them. So defintiely the SIMS hurt both of us. I think the Wiley test bank does a good job of giving me some type of SIMS and how I did on them. I see passing scores for both AUD & REG for the both of us in the next window!

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012

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