Stressed Out!!!

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  • #1939225
    Rainbow Butterfly

    One of my bosses I don’t work with as much pulled me aside after a group meeting. He asked me how I’m doing, I seemed a little out of it. I immediately busted into tears. Stressed from CPA, stressed from dealing with the father of my child (single mom), stressed from breaking up with 1.5+ boyfriend two weeks ago, stressed from work. by the end of the day, work gave me an extra week off to study and find my sanity. (My exam is on the August 30th, hopefully last one)

    OMGsh I felt so embarrassed afterward. But I am sure I am not alone on the crying at work front. I would appreciate any help and encouragement this forum sends my way. Thanks!

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  • #1939297

    You are definitely not alone. I have cried at work. Earlier this year my grandfather passed a few weeks before I was scheduled for REG and a few weeks before that I found out I was pregnant (planned, but still major life change). I told my team during a staff meeting and cried from the stress.

    A year and a half ago I had just started testing and found out my husband got re-assigned and had to leave a job I absolutely loved, deal with moving 1,600 miles away when I had only moved 5 miles down the street from my family, and I didn't know how I could even go on with the CPA with that crap going on. When my husband called me at work to tell me he got orders (military, and he was upset so he didn't wait until I got home), one of my coworkers literally had to pick me up out of my seat I was sobbing.

    It's such a difficult exam and sucks so much of your life that it makes work and life harder – I think most people understand that and it sounds like your job does as well with giving you extra time to study and taking the time to ask if you were okay, noticing that something is off.

    I'm waiting on my last exam score, baby is due in a month, and we got re-assigned and are moving 1,600 back to where we were with an infant – on top of 8 months preggo hormones and having a credit expire for the exam next week. So I feel ya!!


    I've seen my co-workers cry at my work before.
    I cried once at work when I got a text in the morning from my sister saying my mom who lives overseas was diagnosed w/ leukemia (ended up being a misdiagnosis, thank god).
    I walked into my senior manager's office wanting to ask if I could take some time off to go visit her, but even before I could say a word, tears started flowing and I got choked up.

    W/ that said, yes it happens to a lot of people, including myself, but I definitely wouldn't make a habit of it.
    If I see someone cry once or twice, I think, man they must've had a really bad day, or have something significant going on in their lives…
    but if I see you cry all the time, I would feel uncomfortable working w/ you and personally I think it's not the most professional thing to do at work.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    This has been the worst year of my life and I've definitely cried at work a few times (usually I rush to the restroom so nobody will see me). I started a new job last September, I just finished my masters of accounting in December, then a week before Christmas our landlords gave us notice that they were selling our house and we had to be out by the end of February. We were wanting to buy a house for our next move, but weren't going to until I was done with the CPA. So we decided to just rush into buying our first house, in this market we had to view 19 houses and make 5 offers before we finally had one accepted. Then two weeks after we moved in my husband's sister died extremely unexpectedly, leaving a husband and three kids. My husband hates his job, but doesn't feel emotionally ready to find something new, so I have to provide emotional support for him a lot. Then we had several plumbing issues in our new house and had to completely tear apart a nicely finished basement. That was back in June and we're still living with an unfinished basement with pretty much all of our books, artwork, decorations (everything “extra” that makes a house a home) shoved into the garage. I've passed two exams and took REG a few weeks ago and do not feel great about it. I'm getting ready to start studying for BEC this weekend.

    I get to work feeling fine, but if I make a mistake or can't understand how to do something or receive some criticism, that's what pushes me over the edge into crying. Luckily my coworkers and supervisor are very understanding and supportive, but I still hate crying at work. I am normally a very competent, no-drama, get my work done type of person and it completely sucks that that's not how I'm handling myself this first year of my new job.

    This is all to say – it happens to the best of us. Just keep swimming and eventually we will all have this exam behind us and can move on with our lives. Don't give up hope!

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