Starting over again

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  • #163462

    Hey everyone! I have been lurking for awhile. I used to work for a CPA firm and took BEC and Audit back in 2008/2009, I scored a 65 on BEC and a 68 on AUD. I really couldn’t focus at the time and pretty much only studied a week or two for each exam. I pretty much gave up after that, busy season started and then my becker software expired. Since then, I left the CPA firm back in 2010 and started working at a non-profit. I just bought Becker again, I think I am more grown up at this point and focused. My plan is to take AUD at the beginning of Jan 2012 and then FAR at the end of February. During the second testing window I would take REG and then BEC. Does anyone think this is a bad idea? Thanks for any input and I look forward to posting/reading posts during the next year or so.

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  • #311241

    Hey, how's it going? Maryland, huh? That's cool…I would say that if you scored those scores after only studying for about a week, you're going to be just fine. I think your plan is pretty solid; I would recommend at least 3 weeks for Audit (more, if you're weak in the area), and at least 5 or 6 weeks for FAR (which you've already budgeted for yourself). Also, I think you're very smart for using the blackout month to start studying for REG (imo, the hardest exam by far); I would also allow at least 5 or 6 weeks for that one. As for BEC, it really depends on the person; I double majored in ACC and CIS, taught an intro to managerial acc class at the University, and have always had an affinity for Economics and Finance, so BEC was actually my favorite exam to study for and I only allowed myself about 2 weeks for it, but if you're rusty in any of the subjects, I'd allow 3 to be safe. I think you already have a leg up on other people taking FAR because you're already a pro (I'm sure) in NFP. NFP and governmental are inherently complex sections due to their counter-intuitiveness, so I'd say you're already in pretty good shape. Best of luck to you…let us know how it goes.


    Oh, two more things about REG:

    1) SUPPLEMENT BECKER!!! You will be doing yourself a disservice if you don't supplement with like a Wiley test bank on that one…I'm sure many will disagree, however, I studied my @ss off for REG and barely passed using only Becker. This leads me to part 2.

    2) DO NOT SKIP the ancillary material. Be warned…it is not as ancillary as you might think.


    thank you a bunch baseballcpa, really good responses and advice! I am pretty frightened with REG and FAR, more so REG, mainly because of the people I know sitting for the exam still, they struggle with REG. I will definitely look in to supplementing Becker for those two sections. Thanks again!


    Best of luck to you terps07, sounds like you have thought out a good plan of attack!


    Oh and I agree with BaseballCPA, if you scored as high as you did after a week or so of studying you will get this without a problem!


    Thank you pacific! Don't get me wrong, the week or two I studied for each, I would spend at least 10 hours a day going over the book and MCQs. I just finished A1 last night of becker, I think I might try to review it again and finish A2 by the end of the week. I don't feel like I am retaining the material though, so I am a bit worried.


    I did not feel like I retained AUD the first 2 times either. The key for me this last time was not moving on until I could clearly understand A1 because once I got to A2 I felt confused and just wanted to get through it. The third time I took it, I KNEW A1 before moving on and it really helped me understand the remainder of the lectures.

    FAR- 75
    REG- 82
    BEC- 73, 79!! Its over. Am I dreaming?
    AUD- 74, 74, 88


    I think you have a great plan. Stay focused and you will do great! REG was my hardest by far..

    Maryland Candidate:
    REG: 73(11/2010) 84 (01/2011)
    BEC: 65 (5/11) 01/22: 79!!
    AUD: 85 (08/2011) FAR: 81 (11/2011)

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