Spouse is sitting for REG section of CPA – advice needed

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    My husband is sitting for the REG section of the CPA this October. This is his first time taking any section, so this is all foreign territory for us. He has a full time job as the Controller of a hospital. He’s been doing the Becker online course and trying to get at least 3 hours of study time a day. He is so stressed, nervous and worried about this exam. I am also expecting our first child, who is due 10 days after his exam – so there is some added distraction/stress there.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can help him in this process. I go through flashcards with him at night, listen to him vent about the craziness of this exam and most of all just try to be understanding. What else should I be doing to make this process smoother for him, it breaks my heart to see him so stressed out.

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  • #294681

    Sounds like you're being very supportive! Just keep doing what you're doing.


    I agree, you're doing just about all you can. Between being so very pregnant (congratulations!) and this exam, things may get a bit hairy……be good to yourselves, both of you! A little TLC both ways will go a long way toward sanity!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    You're doing about all you can. This exam is very stressful so just hang in there. Just try to continue to be supportive of him throughout this process. It is going to be difficult at times especially while adjusting to having your first child (congratulations by the way). I was a full time student and employee when my first child was born and it can be stressful at times. I now have a beautiful little girl (3 years old) and a beautiful little boy (almost 15 months old) and work full time at a public accounting firm. I know my wife is driven to the point of insanity sometimes, but she remains very supportive of me. She always listens to me complain about how rough my life is without throwing something at me 🙂


    Get him some “Just for Men” because by the end of this exam process, he's gonna need it! Other than that, I think you're doing way more than most spouses would in the same situation, especially considering that you're pregnant! Good luck to your husband and best wishes on a smooth delivery and a healthy baby!


    Wow you sound like an amazing wifey. What a lucky guy, seriously. My only two suggestions are to encourage him to keep nailing out those MCQs for REG, the more he does the more confident he will be during the exam. My second suggestion is to make sure you are feeding him well too 🙂 He still has plenty of time to iron out his weaknesses, 3 hours a day is a lot while he is working full time. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and keep doing what you are doing, you sound like such a supportive wife, again he is so lucky!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Just remember that this is a long process (probably at least 6 months) so you should be prepared for him to be MIA for a.long while. Don't get bent out of shape by it. Just continue to be supportive and know that it will all be worth it. You should read the threads on top about being married or single and studying. People have had significant others break up with them because they weren't getting all their attention!

    Aud 4/2/11 - 86
    Far 5/27/11 - 83
    Bec 7/1/11 - 82
    Reg 8/13/11 - 86! It's over!!!!


    As a wife who had a husband pass the exam on his first sitting of each section I will tell you what I did. My perspective is completely different because I am a CPA candidate as well. I literally left every weekend and spent it at my parents or other family members/friends houses. I knew the level of difficulty involved as well as how much of a distraction I personally was to my husband. We both just like each other too damn much not to want to spend time together (such a great problem to have!!) On the weekends I didn't feel like leaving town I went to a movie with my then 11 yr old son. We made sure we were very scarce on the weekends. I knew that my husband would take the time to get his own meals, and

    be responsible for his own break times.

    Another suggestion–have him join this forum if he hasn't already….there is a wealth of information on here for the new candidate as well as the “seasoned” candidate!

    If these aren't possible for you all just make sure you give him a hug and tell him how appreciated he is (do this even when he isn't sitting for the exam). Good luck with the new bundle of joy you will be bringing into this world!!

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joey J

    My biggest advice is for him to not get totally psyched out. The exams are tough, but not impossible with good preparation. Get a hold of as many MC questions as possible, and practice SIMS as well. SIMS are a crapshoot, so I would advise him to at least take 90-120 minutes on them, for each section. Thus, the more MC practice he gets, the more fluent he will be in going through that part in an orderly, efficient manner. And he can use ample time for the SIMS. Sounds like you are a great support. Good luck with the baby, and both of you relax! That's the best advice I can give. 😉



    you are a gem. hold on to your seats, it can be a bumpy ride, but I trust that you two will weather this just fine. posting this thread is obvious proof of how much you support your hubby, keep it up, it will undoubtedly help him tremendously.

    best of luck on this journey!

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