Should I take a "break"?

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  • #160777

    Hi All,

    I passed AUD in May and took REG today. I don’t feel good about it but whatever. It’s DONE! Now.. I just wait.

    I am getting married on 8/5 and was planning to take a break from studying until after the wedding (start up again 8/15).

    A couple questions:

    1. Should I just power through and keep studying, even through the wedding? Or just go with my plan of taking a month long break from studying? I am really organized when it comes to the wedding and I have been planning for a year now, so I know I can do both at the same time. Too stressful? Any one study through their wedding? Either way, my exam wouldn’t be until after the wedding.

    2. Should I take FAR or BEC next? I will be busy at work around 9/15 and 10/15 so I would like to avoid taking a section around that date. When I set up my schedule based on starting again on 8/15, I would take FAR on 10/8 (which is cutting it a little bit close)…then BEC on 11/14 (three days before my birthday!!)

    Thoughts? Opinions? I really appreciate any insight!

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!

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  • #289648

    I've only just started on my journey, but I am already a strong proponent of time off. The one day off I give myself every week allows me to keep my sanity and prevent me from putting my foot through the monitor.

    You have some events coming up in your life that, I would argue, are much more important to attend to and enjoy than the time that could be spent studying. This exam will be here forever–a wedding is, for many people, a once in a lifetime event.

    I'd also say to get FAR out of the way as soon as possible once your break is done because it is truly a miserable review process that will leave you heading to the bar to drown your sorrows.

    Congrats on the wedding and good luck with your review!

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92


    I agree with jimboace88, you should take FAR next. The one thing I don't agree on is taking time off. What happens if you take time off and then fail one part three or four times, then you end up losing credit. Or what happens if god forbid something bad happens like a close relative passing away or getting sick or whatever. Personally, you can't tell what will happen in the future and I think to be conservative you should at least think one big event will come up where your studying will be affected.

    From reading countless other posts on here it seems that many of the people that lost credit had some events in their lives that they didn't plan on having, such as having a baby, getting married, new job, moving, etc. So I wouldn't risk taking a month off and then having to deal with something that comes up and losing more time.

    If you can only study three or four times a week I think that is better than just plain taking a month off. You gotta stay in the groove of things so you don't lose your focus and have to try to fight to get back into the swing of things. It's like going to the gym, if you go regularly then take a month off it is really tough to get back into it.

    I know getting married is a big deal and all but I think you should stay focused and knock your last two sections out of the park as soon as possible. Don't risk possibly losing credit.


    Tough call—I took an entire window off last year cause I was simply burnt out and already had 2 passes under my belt. Now I failed my last section and need to pass it soon or I am getting close to losing 2 sections, not to mention I also have my wedding coming up(July 30th) and unfortunately have no choice but to study around it(I will be taking 1 week off for the wedding itself though). Had I not taken a big break halfway through my journey who knows, I mightve been done by now.

    Also whoever said a day off is good—I have to agree with that. Stay sane…I take at least one day off per week, sometimes more—I've passed 3 out of 4 on that schedule.

    A day off per week? Do it. A week or two break from the exam? go for it. But don't take big chunks off, I know that I am regretting it.

    F5 to Refresh

    I would suggest that you continue to study…Get this thing out of the way ASAP and then enjoy the rest of your life without worrying about the CPA exam. Do not however let the studying get in the way of your joyous occasion, so study, but not so much as you ruin the memory of your wedding. Also I would take a crack at BEC first, no real reason other than it is a shorter exam, and in my opinion the easiest (I know many will disagree with me on the easiest part).

    AUD 79 Q4 2010 - NY
    BEC 84 Q4 2010
    REG 79 Q1 2011
    FAR 86 Q2 2011 - Done


    Thanks for all the advice. I think I will keep studying but at a different level that I was studying before (esp since work is kinda slow at this time of year). I just need to decide which one to take next – FAR (the beast) or BEC… decisions… decisions. My gut says FAR since its so much material… but I will sleep on it. I am taking this weekend off (for sure) — its my bachelorette party!!!!!

    Thanks again for the support and insight!

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!


    kaa I am in the same boat as you. I took AUD in April and passed. I just took REG yesterday and the simulations were quite a shock. I am feeling a bit burnt out but I decided to trek on. I am starting FAR today and I feel like it's by far my weakest area so I am allocating about 4 months to study and take it.


    When I married my husband I took the time off from studying. Also while I was planning the wedding, we were in the middle of buying a house, Christmas time (we were married at the end of January, so my shower was Thanksgiving weekend), also I was pregnant with our first child. I enjoyed that crazy time and got back into studying on and off a little while later. If your life isn't as crazy as my was at the time, what I would do is study when you have a few moments here and there, but also enjoy the time of planning and your special day. Best of luck to you!! :):)

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!

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