Should I restructure exams? - Page 2

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  • #195304

    The exam order and dates listed in my signature was set up when I planned on not working. I now have a job and they want me to start after FAR. I can be flexible with hours so 20-25 is what I’m thinking.

    Now this is my concern. I’m not strong in tax. I don’t think taking on REG while starting a new job will be good. I also have to move by the end of this month.. I was thinking about switching it with BEC and tweaking the last two exam dates to provide enough time for REG.

    Is there any benefit to taking REG as I originally planned? (Closer to FAR or any other reason..)

    Also, do you guys think me slamming the rest of the 3 sections while working those amount of hours is doable? I’m thinking yes but some of you would know better based off personal experience or what you’ve seen other A71 members do..

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)

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  • Author
  • #681267

    I work 25-30 hours a week and i am a full time student. It is going to take me about 8 months to complete the exam (if all goes to plan). I think if you're only working part time with no school, and you are ready for FAR in July you can do it all in your planned time! Never let an NTS expire is what i always say/been told. Best of luck!!

    AUD: 02/28/15 - 89
    FAR: 05/29/15 - 80
    BEC: 08/03/15 - 81
    REG: 08/27/15 - 76


    The problem with your current schedule as it stands is you gotta move, which always sucks. I would set aside at least two weeks of your schedule to devote to moving. Seems like a lot, but by the time you get everything packed up, your old place cleaned up, move all your stuff to your new place and get settled in, it will take you more time than you think where you won't make much CPA progress.

    Plan is still doable with adjustments, though, especially if you're only working 20-25 hours per week. I would definitely switch out REG for BEC before the Q3 window closes because of the move. Then plan for REG around mid-late October, then AUD before the Q4 window closes and your NTS expires.

    I worked full-time while studying for the exams, and BEC and AUD took four weeks of studying to pass, and REG approximately six, which is why I am making these recommendations. I work in audit so don't know much about tax myself other than what is taught in the undergrad tax courses, but don't be scared. If you work through the Becker material you will be prepared.


    Thanks Below! So you think REG before AUD or does it not matter? I just don't know about much material interrelates with these sections so whatever does the most, I'd like to schedule them side by side or the closest.

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)


    Doesn't matter what order you do those two, just give REG more time since there is more material to cover. So if you wanted, maybe do AUD in early October and REG towards the end of the Q4 window. I would not factor how information interrelates to your calculation for study time. While there is some overlap between the different exams, there is not enough to significantly reduce the amount of time you will need to study for each exam.


    Sweet, thanks!

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)

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