Share your creative ideas on how to study while not really studying

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  • #195278

    Hi guys,

    I’d like you to share your ideas on how you use your free time to study.. Like on the train or at the traffic light -ok kidding- but you get my point.

    Yesterday I was cleaning the house and I was listening to Tim yelling at me for about 3 hours.. What about you?

    Also how you divide your time between flashcards.. MCQ.. Reading the book… etc…

    For me I’m doing exactly what I did for FAR… But I am eager to know what’s going on with you guys..

    Also for REG passers: Do you think reviewing all REG related tax returns everyday before I go to sleep would be helpful? … I see that many sims depend on your understanding and knowledge of tax returns and how they are set up…

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  • #680903

    Writing out flashcards/Ninja notes while watching TV. I was always amazed at how much info stuck when it came time to review said flashcards/notes, even though I wasn't really paying too much attention….


    For whatever reason, my brain makes connections between what I hear and whatever I'm doing at a particular point in time. This is why audio works well for me. I could listen to a lecture one time while out walking around my neighborhood, and the next time I was walking the same route and realized I was in front of a certain house or stopped at a certain intersection, my mind would go back to the lecture I was listening to the last time I was in that spot.

    Same for commuting and other kinds of workouts. I always remember Jeff's FAR lecture on depreciation methods because I was lifting weights in my garage while I was listening to it, and that is just stuck in my head.


    So, you're saying I can have some slight FUN and still study?!??!?!!?

    FAR: July 2016


    I always feel super guilty if it is a nice day and I am not outside getting some UV. If I decide to get my tan on, I take my flashcards with me and go through as many as possible.

    Also, I always keep my tablet of worked out detailed MCQs in my purse, so if am on my lunch break at work or riding shotgun in the car, I can flip through that pretty easily for a refresher.

    FAR - 76! 10/15; (65) 7/15
    BEC - 82! 11/15; (74) 8/15
    AUD - 01/16
    REG - TBA


    Haha you guys are funny.. Thanks for sharing…

    @vvSPAZvv be careful from the sun exposure.. It increases speed of skin aging dramatically even with the use of sunscreen 😉


    @vvSpaz – I managed to learn quite a bit about economics last summer when I took my BEC book on a date to the lake. 😉


    @taxgeek83 gosh, that sounds awfully romantic. Candle-lit dinner on the shore I presume?

    FAR - 76! 10/15; (65) 7/15
    BEC - 82! 11/15; (74) 8/15
    AUD - 01/16
    REG - TBA


    I review flashcards while walking to the gym everyday. I spend about 45 minutes that would've been wasted anyway.


    taxgeek83 – It was Consensual right?


    while I am not studying, I will be imagining that I skip all the tests and bammmm I'm a CPA. lol

    REG: 77 x2
    BEC: 81 x3
    FAR: 68 retake 10/1
    AUD: 8/27


    Has anyone come across the app Way of Life? I found out about it the other day – it's supposed to be the ultimate habit former. I'm assuming accountants are pretty much all Type A competitive crazy people, and this app is proving me right. I have the free version, which only allows three habits (in my case, all exercise activities); however, it's very customizable, and you could totally throw “100 Ninja MCQs” or “2 hrs video lectures/Audio” or “2 chapters” in there. Daily, weekly, few days a week – whatever you need. 10 pm and if I'm half asleep and reminded by my phone that I haven't done 30 squats today – you can bet I'm jumping out of bed to get that done, just so I can check yes. No's are not an option. Failing is not an option. Competition against ones self (and, in my case, a couple of friends) is everything.

    Check it out!

    P.S. If the makers of this app start making a boatload of cash off of accountants, you all better be giving me credit. 😉


    play rubik's cube/watch youtube and doing ninja MCQs


    I listen to the audio while driving and also times like at my daughters gymnastics meets while I wait for her turn. I review flashcards while I sit with the kids watching the Disney Channel shows for the 10,000th time.

    I learn mostly be writing things out, so I don't listen or flash cards too often, more towards the end.

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