@CPAer: In comparison to coffee, Rhodiola is not a stimulant so I like that I can take it at just about any time without cursing the gods that be for downing coffee too late in the day. There is no crash and no withdrawal headaches if you stop using Rhodiola. LIke I said above, it overall calms my mind and nerves, allowing me to settle my thoughts on the exciting world of accountancy. lol
I usually take the pills around mid-day (somewhere around 3:30PM or so) and that'll help me finish the work day strong and pull me through the rest of the evening and I have no problem falling alseep once 10:30PM rolls around. I still do drink coffee, but only once when I get in to the office, otherwise I stick to tea and water. Here's what a typical day looks like for me:
Mon-Fri: 4:45-5:00AM Wake up and brush teeth/wash face and make tea.
5:00-6:30AM Study
6:30-7:25AM Shower, dress, pack lunch and head to bus stop
7:25-8:25AM Study on the bus/train on commute to work (I usually only get about 45 minutes of real study)
8:30-1:30PM Work
1:30-3:00PM Eat lunch and study (I take 30 mins to eat in peace and study the remaining 60 mins)
3:00-5:00PM Work
5:00-6:20PM Study on the bus/train commute home
6:20-7:00PM Eat dinner and prove to my family I'm still alive and somewhat social
7:00-10:00PM – Study some more!
10:00-10:30PM – Brush teeth and get ready for bed.
Sometimes I study longer but I try to call it quits so I can get at least 6 quality hours of sleep. I use an audio course so I always fall asleep listening to the lectures – usually I choose a lecture on a topic I feel I need more exposure to. I set my iPod to a 90 minute sleep timer and am usually attentive for abour 20 minutes before I pass out.
I'd describe my weekends but they're not nearly as structured as my work week. These vary a lot but I generally try to shoot for 5-8 hours each day. Sometimes I get more or less done depending on chores, errands, and my will power lol
I hope this helps!
FAR 88 (07/15/11)
BEC 83 (08/31/11)
AUD 81 (10/15/11)
REG 83 (11/26/11)
Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review