Rewriting Notes Help

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  • #164274


    As I prepare to sit for Reg for a 4th time. I am now finally convinced that I will rewrite my notes. I am interested in purchasing Ninja notes and rewriting them. I have just a little anxiety over the amount of notes are included in the Ninja notes. So if anyone has experience in rewriting notes, especially Jeff’s Ninja notes, please share any advice. Did you rewrite all 155? pages of notes? What was your strategy? When did you rewrite them -night, lunch, morning? Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.


    BEC 61

    AUD 66

    REG 67,68,67

    FAR did not take

    BEC 61
    AUD 66,70
    REG 67,68,67,68
    Using CPA Excel and Wiley Test Bank

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  • #314213

    I purchased the Ninja notes but I did not rewrite them(read through twice). I made notes for all the mistakes that I made from doing the MC and review my book(s) as i need to. I have over 2 notebooks of notes and over 500 notecards. When i write my notes, I write it in a way that I will understand or remember later. It sounds weird, but sometimes you may find your own notes hard to understand even you wrote it once before. All my MC sections were strong except B-law. I had to do tons of MC questions over and over in the last 10 days. Give yourself 2 weeks if you can for final review. Good luck!


    I purchased the NINJA notes for BEC and I wrote most (maybe all, but not sure) of them over-

    After I read a section in the book, I would write over the NINJA notes pertaining to that section and then read the flashcards on that section (or maybe I read the flashcards before writing over the notes) and then I did the mcqs. When I was doing a cram review a couple of days before the exam I also tried to write over the notes having to do with the sections I was watching/reading. At some poing I was running out of time and had to stop.

    I didn't write them over at any particular point during the day, just when I was up to that step.

    It may seem like there are many pages of notes but they are very organized and clear. When I was writing them over it did not take me as long as I had anticipated. People use them in different ways. Some people don't just read or write them over, but build their own, more detailed, notes from them. They're useful and can be utilized to fit your own study method.

    Good luck!!


    This is really just my opinion, but, I don't believe in re-writing someone else's notes. The Ninja notes are good for a brief over view right before an exam. I think the best way to really learn the material is to take your own notes and rewrite them. Maybe writing Jeff's notes work for some people, but when you write your own notes I think it sticks much better! IMO! For REG this really helped me bump my score. What are you using for review materials SunnyBlue?? Good luck SunnyBlue!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    After taking 2 years off from this process Ive started back up again and am going to put in the time that is necessary. Im taking REG for the first part, and purchased the NINJA notes, Roger CRAM and Wiley test bank. I rewrite the NINJA notes for the topic that I am on, then read the chapter from the Roger book, watch the lecture, then do MCQ. I study an hour in the morning and 2 hours at night every day, so once I finish all the topics I do it all over again. Before each study session I do 20 questions from CPA Review for Free. Ive rewritten the NINJA notes twice, and am going to go back through and make note cards for the topics that I do not feel confident in. I feel this way is working well and am alot more prepared than the first time when I took the exam and used exclusively Becker.

    REG- 81
    BEC- 72,76
    AUD- 67,88
    FAR- 78



    I used the Ninja notes for AUD. they were only 92 pages and I had 4 weeks for my retake. I promised myself to follow Jeff's suggestions with total faith because “my way” wasn't working for me. So I rewrote 10 pages a day and did at least 50 mcq's a day (more on weekends). Mind you with 2 kids and taking my last masters classes this was an intense schedule! But I preferred the short term sacrifices over having to take AUD a 4th time.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Thanks all for the advice. I am currently using CPA Excel and Wiley online test bank. I am content with both programs and I feel they are adequate. However, I am not a good note taker. I've tried taking notes and I end up having many different notebooks which I never go back and reread or rewrite. So, I figured the Ninja notes will give me the structure that I need. The advice on rewriting & rereading the section that applies to where I am studying is great advice. I never thought to do that. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of failing so you all have given me the gift that I need to pass this exam. My study plan this time around consists of studying an hour and half before work, an half and hour during lunch completing 20 questions on cpareviewforfree, and rewriting my notes for an hour before bedtime. That gives me three hours during the weekday, and studying six hours on the weekend. My goal this time around is to be consistent and disciplined.

    BEC 61
    AUD 66,70
    REG 67,68,67,68
    Using CPA Excel and Wiley Test Bank

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