Reschedule FAR or lose testing window

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  • #1597299

    Hey guys,

    I took AUD in May and am currently awaiting results. I started studying for FAR in mid-June albeit at a slow pace. I work full-time and was traveling a lot for my job until July. I am also an international student and didn’t get a visa to continue working in the States which was a major setback in my personal and professional plans that threw me off track both emotionally and mentally. I spent all of June and July applying for transfer opportunities to other countries – networking, interviewing, finding a place to live temporarily and moving etc. Things are slowly getting back on track but I was hoping to take FAR by Sep since my first credit expires in Mar (I know it seems far but it’s only 2 windows away and if I am leaving the country in 3 months, I will be scheduling retakes, if any, outside of the States). I am a strong believer in preparing for at least 1 exam per window but unfortunately things didn’t go as planned and I am only through Ch 4. I am not the smartest person and FAR isn’t necessarily my strongest subject too. Would you guys recommend I rush through the course and take the exam this window to familiarize myself with FAR or should I wait till Q4 to take my time and get through all the material? Please note, while I work full-time now, I won’t be able to work past Aug due to visa restrictions so I will have capacity to study full-time in Sep and Oct. Any advice is appreciated.

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  • #1597391



    Any suggestions?


    Is spending money for testing fees / travel a huge problem for you? If not, I'd say take your chances and take the exam in Q3, especially since seats will be going fast. At least that way, you get to see the exam and get a feel for what you need to know. You'll get your score September 19th and then you can plan a retake if necessary for Q4.


    If you can afford it, take it in Q3. At least you will have seen it once and get a feeling for it. Plus, you could pass it. I'd say go for it.


    I 100% agree with the previous posts. Aside from the cost of the exam, you don't have much to lose by taking it in September. If you aren't already signed up to take it at the very end of this window, reschedule it for the latest day possible. If they are full just keep refreshing the Prometric website, it changes literally all the time (prime times seem to be in the morning before work, lunch, and at the end of the work day) I did this and was able to schedule BEC a week before I took it, and it was the last day of the window (a very popular time which had been booked solid for weeks). People will cancel as it gets closer.

    I had very mediocre grades in accounting and always felt like I had to work 5X as hard as my peers to get an equal or lesser grade, and it took me longer to grasp concepts. I took FAR a week ago. I had zero knowledge of governmental or NFP, but I flew through chapters 8 & 9 in Becker (I think chpt 8 took me a full day and a half max). Don't get caught up in the details of those – just know the basics.

    Everyone's different but I found chapters 4 – 7 to be the most difficult. This means you have a full month left and only 3 difficult chapters. Don't spend too long on any one thing, cause there's a good chance it won't be on the exam or there will be one or two questions. If you're not working the first week of September, you can get ALOT done. You can do it! And don't put too much pressure on yourself to pass, you're no worse off timing-wise if you have to retake it in Q4!


    I was in a similar position and rescheduled. I don't want to take it more than once if I can avoid it. I was farther along but felt I wanted way more review time then I would've had. FAR is a beast and I didn't want to go in unprepared. Now I'll be squeezing FAR in at the beginning of Q4 and AUD at the end of Q4. My end result will be the same, all four taken in the year and I'll have three quarters for retakes in the next year.

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