REG 11/19 Have I done enough?

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  • #162735

    Okay so I have REG on 11/19. To date I have completed all of Becker’s REG course, related MC’s(twice), all SIMS, Becker’s Final Review, related MC’s and SIMS, outlined all chapters, have over sixty pages of memonics and formulas written out(in the process of rewriting those over and over, have all of Becker note cards recorded on my voice recorder and listen to them constantly and the final exams. Am I missing something here? After all this, I am scared to death I haven’t done enough. Any suggestions for additional study techniques this week? The only thing I haven’t completed are the supplemental MC’s. Thanks!

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  • #307301

    what about the AICPA released questions for REG, have u done those?? they are a nice review and definitely a stress reliever i think.


    what's about any stimulation practice? just finished mine on friday. i think u only use becker right? i used becker passmaster, but didn't pass. i suggest u to do some question on gleim instead of becker. i think becker is just too easy. but since the exam is coming on 19. make sure u fully understand the ch.4 in becker's book specially the ethics & Procedure. They are heavliy tested on the MCQs now. good luck


    hi carrot, am taking my reg too and struggling, is it possible if i can have ur email and ask you some questions about problems in becker


    Keep practicing until test day. You will be amazed of the difference. The brain can only retain so much.

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD



    hi ~~u can add me to your facebook if u have one b/c i don't check my e-mail everyday


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