re exam focus on mcq

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  • #1588208

    As re examiner got loads of material from different sources .now reading the same material is so boring and time consuming .in last exam i did not get time to do revision of material so forgot the part i read initially .

    my question is

    1) this time , i am thinking to focus more on mcq and simulations .please share some experiences .

    2) do u think i shud use the same old notes which i have prepared or shud make a new one from scratch .

    3) i am planning to buy ninja mcq . but thinking to study 2 or 3 different mcq simulation provider . please suggest .

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  • Author
  • #1588220
    cpApex Predator

    2) I would suggest writing new notes. Focusing on old notes might bring to mind that past failure. Starting fresh will enable you to see new patterns.

    3) Wiley MCQ are really good, but their simulations have a lot of problems. Sometimes the answers are incorrect and it is hard to navigate where you can only access ten at a time and can't view the answer after doing a problem. The ninja sims allow you to do one at a time and immediately see the answer. Unfamiliar with other providers.

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