Questions of a first timer

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  • #1833898

    I applied 2 days ago to take the FAR exam.

    It’s my first application, so I’m assuming it will be 6 weeks. I was considering regulation (i’m a tax accountant), but I’ve heard FAR has the most information, so if possible I want to get that out of the way first. It’s wishful thinking at best, I know. Surprisingly enough, I am good at taking exams provided I actually study for them (I’m guilty of the hail mary process A LOT).

    When I took the EA exam, the Gleim study guide was absolutely instrumental in me passing all parts on the first try. But it was more or less the only thing offered. For the CPA theres so many options out there…

    I have the FAR Becker book(a family member purchased Becker last year). Its for any exam that is after December 31, 2017, So i assume I’m ok. But I’m considering using Sturgent or Gleim and definitely Ninja. Is there any data out there that says one study program is more successful than the other?

    Sorry for the russian novel, its the result of excitement, terror of the beast im taking on, and a crap load of caffeine.

    Thank you for your time.

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  • Author
  • #1833940

    I was in your shoes a year ago. I had used Gleim for the EA exams and while I didn't necessarily agree with the method, it was hard to challenge the results, 3 for 3.
    I ended up trying lots of different review courses as they all offer free trial periods.
    I had some 2013 Lamber books and lasted about 4 hours trying to use the book and then do the question by hand, not effective.
    During my Lamber phase I was failing to grasp something on partnerships and end up stumbling on a Roger video on youtube.
    I tested out Gleim, Wiley and Roger and ended up going with Roger for the lectures. I also purchased the Gleim testbank and physical copies of the books because they were on sale for 50% off.
    The Gleim purchase was overkill, but if I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing.
    If not for the Gleim sale I would have went with Ninja MCQs as an add on to Roger.

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