Questions about going over answers during the exam

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  • #160659

    I am taking my AUD for the first time soon and I am confused about how the MCQs work. Can I go over my answers at the end of the exam to recheck my work? Do you have to go over your answers before you finish the first testlet? I don’t understand the testlet thing. Does the computer say – you have finished testlet one and that’s it, you can’t go back? Does the computer tell you at the beginning how many questions you are going to have in in each section?

    AUD 74, 83
    FAR 75
    REG 71, 71, 70, 86!!!!!! 🙂
    BEC 85

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  • #287098

    Each testlet has 30 MC. You can only review the MC of the testlet that you are in. Once you move to the next part, you cant go back to the previous 30, and so on.

    Be sure to use your time wisely in order to be able to complete the TBS.

    BEC 80
    REG 78
    FAR 80
    AUD 74, 7/14/11 79---DONE!!!!
    CA Ethics--92
    License received 12/1/11


    Also, go to

    This will show you what the actual test will look like.

    BEC 80
    REG 78
    FAR 80
    AUD 74, 7/14/11 79---DONE!!!!
    CA Ethics--92
    License received 12/1/11


    Thanks for your help!

    AUD 74, 83
    FAR 75
    REG 71, 71, 70, 86!!!!!! 🙂
    BEC 85


    For BEC i didn't have much time to go over answers, but im thinking for Audit I will have plenty of time to review each question based on the practice final exams I have taken.

    Does anybody who has taken the exam agree? I want to be sure I have plenty of time for SIMS but it seems like for AUD there is way more time than is needed which allows you to double check each question.

    B - 85 (5/31/11)
    A - 93 (7/1/11)
    R - 87 (7/29/11)
    F - 77 (8/31/11)



    Last time i took audit (got a 74…) i finished the MC in about an hour 15min, finished the sims with about an hour left.

    BEC 80
    REG 78
    FAR 80
    AUD 74, 7/14/11 79---DONE!!!!
    CA Ethics--92
    License received 12/1/11


    I had time to double check all my MCQ and I triple checked the SIMS because I finished so early. While you have to read the questions very carefully to make sure you don't miss anything that could change the answer, they're almost all theory so they go a lot more quickly than the FAR questions.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    Thank you both for the input, I am definitely going to take my time on this exam. I am thinking to leave at least 2 hours for the SIMS in case they tougher than anticipated and that 2 hours should be more than enough time to double check each MCQ. Especially with Audit the second time you read a question can help you interpret it differently.

    B - 85 (5/31/11)
    A - 93 (7/1/11)
    R - 87 (7/29/11)
    F - 77 (8/31/11)


    I also thought that there was plenty of time to complete the AUD exam. I was completely finished after only an hour and a half… I was convinced that I forgot to do something… but be sure to leave yourself plenty of time for the SIMS.


    I also finished the AUD with about 1.5 hours left, so I took my time to do research to make sure I got my SIMs right.

    California Candidate
    AUD 5/27/11 86
    BEC 4/20/11 79
    REG 8/28/10 81


    The AUD section gives you way too much time. I think the reason is that there are no complex calculation going on.

    I think both times I sat for AUD, I had more than a hour to spare at the end.

    BEC - 10/18/2010 - 79
    FAR - 10/28/2010 - 82
    AUD - 11/04/2010 - 73; 02/18/2011 - 86 - IT'S OVER!!!!!!
    REG - 11/21/2010 - 83

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