Preparation using blueprints

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  • #1788835

    How many people are actually doing this? I have read so many comments where people have been using blueprints, studying for exams and passing first try. How helpful is this? I am starting to study FAR by end of May so was wondering if it will be best way to go. I know any questions on any topic is fair game. I have failed FAR twice before so was wondering if this will help.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein

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  • #1788852

    I used the Becker FAR SIM topics that correspond to the AICPA blueprint topics that were at “application and analysis” level, but I didn't use the blueprint itself. It's helpful, but I strongly recommend you go through all the SIMs at least once during your review phase. Do not entirely depend on the blueprint.


    @Big4BeanCounter, Thanks for your thoughts. I see you passed FAR with flying colors. How did you study for it? Any tips.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    @KJ – I spent most of my time going through Becker and Ninja MCQs for FAR. No special magic tricks here. Like I said above, I did go through Becker SIMs at least once to familiarize myself with the format and how they might ask you (AICPA sample test is also a great way to do this). If you're performing well on MCQs, the chances are you will be able to apply the knowledge to SIMs as well.

    Not sure if this was the answer you were looking for but everyone's learning style and method is different..


    @Big4BeanCounter, thanks. I know there are no shortcuts and anything on the exam is a fair game. Everyone has to find a way which is best fit for them to learn. Always good to know how people study to conquer these exams.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    I exclusively practiced SIMs that corresponded with Analysis topics on the Blueprint. For Example:

    Balance sheet/statement of financial position
    A) detect, investigate and correct discrepancies while agreeing the balance sheet amounts to supporting documentation
    B) calculate fluctuations and ratios and interpret the results while reviewing comparative balance sheets

    If the topic of the practice SIM didn't fall into one of the above, I would skip it. I found this to be extremely helpful in managing my study time and using it efficiently.

    This doesn't mean that Application topics are absent, but it means that if they appear they will be a step in completing the tasks above.


    The blueprints are fine, but they're no substitute for a review course. The exams, I feel – and have found – are often not in line with the blueprints and whatever else the AICPA provides.
    They water it down a lot. They can talk a big game about percentages of testing for topics X, Y, and Z but once that exam is in front of you, you need to be prepared for everything and more. Be prepared for FAR questions on BEC and AUD. Be prepared for a heavy dosing of questions on a certain topic, more than the percentages given in the outlines. And, the question formats for the SIMs are often quite different from anything on the practice exams. I'm not a paid Gleim spokesman but seriously I'd buy theirs if I had this whole thing to do over again. I would probably have passed most of the sections by now, if not all, and wouldn't have gotten so de-railed and lost my focus so many times (and postponed exams, etc etc.) Get a good review course, and dont' rely much on the AICPA's information.


    I used the blueprints for my FAR re-take and really helped to focus my studies. I think toward the end I actually read each application and analysis task in the blueprint to make sure I knew how to do it and I made sure to practice the SIMS corresponding to the blueprint. The blueprint is in no way a substitute for the review course, but it certainly helps to know what may or not be a SIM type question. You do have to know everything though, not just those topics. What review course are you using? For my first take of FAR, I used Becker and supplemented with Ninja and for my re-take I used Becker for SIMS and book and Ninja for MCQ.


    Thanks @AF, @crazyleon for your input. I am not looking to substitute for review course.

    Thanks @anyatver. I am going to be using Ninja book for review course and Ninja MCQ. I am planning to use another test bank/SIMS but have not decided which one yet.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    I liked Becker, but didn't try any others. I hear Gleim SIMS are ridiculous but prepare you well… Ninja SIMS were sub par for FAR especially in my opinion…


    I thought the Gleim SIMs did a good job at preparing me for the test. As I said above, I just sought out the ones that correlated to the tasks specifically stated in the blueprint for the analysis topics.


    @Big4BeanCounter, it was my understading that the SIMS are based on Analysis and Evaluation skill, not Application and Analysis…. Have I been reading this wrong the whole time?

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