Practice Exams/Trending Scores are not a good indicator of Actual Performance

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  • #195174

    Anyone else feel the same way?

    For 1st round of BEC, I used CPAExcel and Ninja MCQ. I was averaging high 70s to low 80s with CPAExcel. For Ninja, I averaged 68 and trended at 75 (on the last 2 days). Actual score was 65.

    For 1st round of Audit, I used only Ninja 10pt combo… averaged 70 and trended 90 (trended like this for 2 weeks straight). Actual score 62.

    Now I’m studying for round 2 of BEC using Ninja 10 point combo… averaging 72, Trending 81. Actual TBD.

    My scores are all over the place. Has anyone experienced this what was the outcome?


    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8

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  • #676364

    I tend to think that given a solid quantity of MCQ's worked (at least with NINJA) the scores are fairly telling, but only on a likelihood to pass/fail kind of basis.

    When I was studying FAR, I honestly should have worked a lot more MCQ's. What happened was that in the beginning my trending score was actually pretty good so I didn't work very many, then I got closer to the exam and started working more MCQ's my trending and average scores were actually decreasing as I was getting into areas I really hadn't seen much of before (i.e. it was id'ing pockets of knowledge that I really didn't have). I don't remember exactly, but I think my trending score for FAR was around 68% or so and if I was beyond the assessment phase of the software it was just barely.

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    I do, but I had the opposite experience, I used Becker. On my second practice test I got in the 60s and 50s. I passed with an 80. I really believe that these tests are the luck of the draw. You can't know everything, so you just have to pray they test you on stuff you are familiar with!


    This is how I study.

    For each practice exam i create and take, my goal is always 90% and higher. However, if I'm scoring in the mid 80%, I'm fine with it. Anything lower, I look at where I'm weak at or I need more study time and more understanding of the topic.

    The way I have been studying have worked so far.


    Also a good way to study is to create either study sessions or practice exams for the questions you got wrong or marked until you actually understand the materials and hit your required score percentage.


    Here is my Breakdown Using CPAExcel, and Ninja just for Aud.

    FAR – CPAExcel 94 vs. Actual 91
    REG – CPAExcel 92 vs. Actual 88
    AUD – CPAExcel 96, NINJA 94 vs Actual 98

    Not to say that the Practice Exam helped me learn anything, just that It is a good indicator of what I can expect going into the exam.

    CPAexcel CPA Review

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88

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