This is a long post, but you may find some value in it.
I used Gleim and you can totally pass with it. However, my experience is that you can't play Gleim “straight up” so to speak.
Here's what I did to get a minimum of an 81 on all four sections. The below is a strategy based on starting from scratch which does not apply to you, but please hear me out.
1. Start with creating custom quizzes that you control (study sessions).
2. Look at each of the 20 chapters and see how long they are. Try to master about 12% of each section at a time. Start with chapter 1. If it is 100 questions, master 1-12. Then move to chapter 2. If it is 130 questions, master 1-16. Repeat this process for all 20 chapters. Gleim has chapters that have TONS of MCQs. You may need to master up to about 30 questions per chapter for longer sections.
3. When you master the first 12% of all 20 chapters, go back to chapter 1. Again, assuming chapter 1 has 100 questions, master questions 13-24 AND review about 50% of questions 1-12. Do this for all chapters.
4. Repeat the above process over and over about 8 times total. However, as you move forward, reduce the percentage of review questions (questions you've already mastered) to between 30-40%. Use your judgment based on if the section is a strength or a weakness for you.
5. Now, in your PARTICULAR case, you've already done some studying so this process is not completely ideal for you as it is time consuming (though EXTREMELY effective). So….
6. On the study section page you will notice a black arrow to the left of each chapter, clicking those arrows provides an outline of each chapter (you probably already know this but just in case).
7. Pay attention to subsections and their relative size. For example, if a subsection has 76 questions of the total of say, 160 for that chapter, that is a KEY subsection that MUST be mastered. Alternately, a subsection in the same chapter with only 9 questions may not be as important.
8. One caveat about #7. If a subsection is located towards the beginning of the chapter, it may be essential to mastering the next subsection. Just be wary of spending too much time on small subsections toward the end of the chapter.
* One final thing on MCQs: Gleim (to my knowledge) never mentions to always read the ACTUAL question first. This is a HUGE time saver on the scenario type questions. Becker mentions this, I don't remember Gleim making a note of it.
The first thing you should do is go to the AICPA site and look at the sample SIMS. Here's why: You need to know if the Gleim SIMS are too hard or too easy. My personal opinion was that the Gleim SIMS for FAR were representative of what was on the test (I DID get a comprehensive governmental accounting SIM contrary to one of the posts above), Gleim AUD SIMS were too easy, Gleim BEC SIMS were much more difficult than the actual test and Gleim REG SIMS were somewhat more difficult than the actual test.
However, I do think I got a bad draw on my AUD SIMs and a good draw on my REG SIMs.
One strategy I used quite effectively to prepare for BEC and REG with Gleim was to go back to the MCQs and isolate some of the more “impossible” ones. Gleim is notorious for providing some MCQs that are just WAYYY overboard. However, if you look at those questions with a different perspective, you should notice that they resemble SIMS! The only difference being that you get four choices to pick from.
MASTER these MCQs. But master them for the SIMS…not for the MCQ section of the actual test. It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, this process of mastering a handful of the most difficult MCQs should be done just prior to taking the actual test. Find 5-10 of these questions for all the chapters that are heavy on calculations.
You MUST MUST MUST get the research questions correct! The research question is all-or-nothing! No partial credit! So, think of it this way, let's say you totally bomb a SIM that counts and you only get 20% of the points available AND you miss the research question. That means that for two SIMs you've averaged only 10% of the points (20+0/2). You will have a very difficult time passing. However, if the same thing happens, but you get the research question right, you would have roughly 60% of the points over the course of those two SIMS (20+100/2). That can make all the difference in the world. The research question is worth roughly 6-7% of the TOTAL TEST!
Okay FINALLY for real this time
Regarding REG, Use the authoritative literature to help you with ALL the SIMS (just watch your time). This is something you likely already know, but just a heads-up if not. BTW, this may also work with FAR under the new format, I took that section just before the changeover so I don't know).