Planned to take FAR first, but now that REG is changing… ?

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  • #1869904

    Hi all,

    I am brand new here and have not taken any of the exams yet. I was originally planning to take FAR in Jan or Feb of 2019, as my first exam. My thinking was that I wanted to take that one first, and in case I fail the 18 month clock wouldn’t have started yet. I was going to take FAR as many times as needed until passing. Then the 18 month clock would start and I could do that other tests without a ton of stress. I hadn’t decided on an exact order, other than FAR first.

    But I just learned that REG is changing as of Jan 2019 because of the recent tax law changes. All of my tax training and experience is based on the existing tax law. I used to be a tax preparer in California and did that for a number of years for individuals. I also took an income tax course from H&R Block a number of years ago, and a Federal tax course as part of my MSA. So I was thinking to change my plan and cram for REG now using a modified/extended version of the 20 day study plan here on the site. I’ll take it at the end of August or maybe early Sept, then again in mid-December in case I don’t pass.

    For the MSA, I will be taking auditing this fall. So I am thinking that the new order will be REG (Q3/Q4), AUD (Q1), BEC (Q2), then FAR (Q3).

    Any thoughts about this plan? Thank you!

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  • #1870003

    Traditionally, people take FAR first since it's the hardest exam and has the most material (myself included). However, with the new changes in REG, I would advise that you take that exam first with the changes and then try to jump to FAR. Saving FAR for last isn't recommended because it's a huge time sink and you run the risk of expiring other parts if you don't pass in time.

    AUD has overlap with FAR and is a much easier exam comparatively. And BEC is similarly easier.

    Proposed order: Start with REG (if you don't want to deal with the 2019 changes), then FAR, AUD and BEC (in that order)

    Alternate plan: FAR, AUD, REG (will need to study new changes effective 2019), BEC


    I think it also depends on ur background. REG first for sure, due to changes.
    I started with BEC & REG first because I HATED them. I see no value or use in most of BEC & REG just never clicked, even in Grad school. I felt dumb b/c everyone told me how easy BEC was.
    I had to re-take both. I slacked in AUD, but I love it so it clicked. I have FAR last. I was worried, but it clicks for me.
    I only started, but I LOVE it & enjoy studying.
    I study the same for each test (even re-takes) 2 months.
    PS: I was a tutor & TA for financial for 4 yrs thru college & Grad school (15 yrs ago) so FAR is my jam.

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