Passed FAR and AUD months ago…Feel like I've forgotten it all.

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  • #165544

    Which leads me to the point of why put candidates through this cram style testing? I work for a small business and won’t use the majority AUD or REG (currently studying for) information for years. By the time I need it, I’ll probably forget most of it which means I have a certification but no knowledge to back it up. I’m worried that my next job will assume I’m some all knowing accounting genius but I’ll feel far from it.

    Anyone else feel this way?

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85

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  • Author
  • #321554

    Ditto. I finished in November and am quickly forgetting it all. I'm afraid by the time I find a real accounting job i'll be a dummy.


    Glad to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. My issues like BlueMorrissey, is when I get a interview for a real job I most likely would have forgotten most of what I learned. So when they ask me a question I'll have that WTF? look on my face. lol

    @BlueMorrissey your a CPA, but dont have a real accounting job yet? Just wondering, not trying to be rude.


    I've also experienced this short-term memory thing with what I studied. I remember certain things, but many things I don't know anymore. Recently my boss was asking about something that may have been covered in CPA review material, but I was drawing a blank. One of my co-workers, who will soon begin studying for the CPA, made some sort of comment – I think he was surprised I didn't know the answer and felt that if I passed the CPA I should remember it all.

    Oh well. It's good to know I'm not the only one.


    Well, you do know what CPA stands for, don't you?

    C an't

    P ass

    A gain! 😀

    Hate this test.



    I think we remember more than we think. Passing a CPA section, let alone all 4 parts, is NOT an easy task by any means. Not everyone who studies accounting is cut to be a CPA (sometimes I wonder about myself lol). Deep down, we remember a lot of things, but because we tend to hold very specialized jobs, we don't get exposed to a lot of accounting info on a daily basis. Like seriously, if you're not in Gov't, who are you supposed to remember fund accounting, budgeting, etc?

    Class of 2012

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