Pass two parts in one window

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  • #1702578

    I am a full-time student major in Accounting and I will graduate in May 2018. Since I can only sit for CPA exam after achieving bachelor’s degree, I plan to start studying for two parts before I graduate and take two sections in one window.

    FAR – July
    BEC – August
    REG – October
    AUD – December

    When should I start to study for FAR better memorization? How to make sure I don’t forget the first part when I study for the second part?

    Please leave any study tips about passing two parts in one window. I’d appreciate if anyone who is or has been in a similar situation could share their study plan. Thanks for reading.

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  • #1702599

    @yuxili0128 I passed AUD and FAR in the same window, while married and working full time. The trick for me was to schedule one of the sections at the beginning of the window and the other at the end of the window. I started studying for AUD at the end of May, and I took the exam on July 3rd (the third day of the Q3 testing window). On July 4th (the very next day), I started studying for FAR, and I took the exam on August 24th (near the very end of Q3 testing window). I passed both.

    After taking AUD, I had to just focus on FAR – knowing there was a chance I didn't pass AUD (I didn't get my score until a month later).

    In your case, I would study for a part, then take that part. Then study for the next part, then take that part. I wouldn't study for two at the same time. I think May (right after you graduate) is a good time to start studying for FAR. That will give you nearly two months to study between the time you graduate and the time you would take FAR in (hopefully) early July (the beginning of Q3). Then, if you take BEC at the end of August, that's a sufficient 6 or 7 weeks to study for BEC, after you've taken FAR at the beginning of July.

    I don't have specific study tips at this time for you, and I think it really depends on your personal methods, and what works best for you to ensure that you commit the information to memory. If you insist, however, I'll give you the advice that you must allow your brain time to digest the information. Don't be afraid to take breaks. Step outside, call your parents or a friend, go for a run or a walk. Put in the hard work during your study windows, but give yourself time to take a deep breath in between. You must do that, or you will get burnt out too quickly, before you've even taken one of the four sections. I would strongly recommend taking 1 day per week to do zero studying (in my case: Sundays).

    Outside of that, I'd say just write out a study plan and stick to it. Give yourself short-term goals, such as: “by Saturday night, I'll be finished with chapter 2 and consistently making 85% or higher on progress tests specific to those chapters.” Do whatever you must do to reach those goals by Saturday night. Then, recharge on Sunday (as an example of that 1 day of 0 studies), and be ready to tackle your next set of materials on Monday, to be completed by Saturday night.

    These weren't specific bullet point study methods. Hopefully you'll get what you need from others as well. But I hope this advice will be helpful to you.

    Good luck!


    You could take 3 in one window. If you start studying on May 13, you could put in 8 weeks and take FAR when the window opens on July 2nd. If you send in all your stuff to your state board you might make it. Then study for 5 weeks and take AUD on August 6, then study for another 5 weeks and take BEC on September 10.


    I almost passed AUD and BEC in the same window.. 86 and 74. It's doable. i'd say FAR and AUD is doable or AUD and BEC. Even REG and a “lighter” section like AUD or BEC.

    Anyone who can pass FAR and REG in the same window – hats off to you. You are a true beast. The material I feel is too dense for myself. I needed a whole window for FAR and REG respectively.


    FAR and AUD definitely doable. I passed both in the last quarter


    I passed FAR BEC and REGin the same window. I graduated last May, so I was in a similar boat. I gave myself a few weeks to decompress after graduation, then I spent six weeks or so studying for FAR since it has the most material. I then studied for REG since tax was my weak area, and that was about five weeks of studying.

    I took FAR the first week of the Q4 window, with a few days of review after REG studying. I started full time work at a public accounting firm that week, which made studying a little harder so I recommend getting as much studying done before work. It’s doable; but way more difficult.

    I took REG the last week of October. I then studied at night and on weekends for all of November and took BEC the last week of the testing window. It was stressful, and sometimes I questioned my sanity, but
    It can be done. MC questions, sims, and practice tests are worth spending a lot of time on, but it depends on your learning style. I’m not big on lectures, I tend to try and use them only on areas I’m really weak on and need step by step instructions.

    In the end, taking multiple tests in one window is difficult but doable, and I believe very reqarding. I took audit a few weeks ago and I find out in 8 days if I’m done, which was made possible by knocking out as many in a window as possible. Since you are still in school, might as well get a head start.


    I passed all 4 sections in 2 consecutive windows: FAR/AUD in early July/late August, followed by BEC/REG in early October/late November.

    When should I start to study for FAR better memorization?

    About 8 weeks before you plan to sit for the exam.

    How to make sure I don't forget the first part when I study for the second part?

    When you're doing MCQs, make sure you're mixing in ones from topics you've already studied.

    My study plan was:
    1. Copy NINJA Notes by hand to a notebook.
    2. Copy notes from the first notebook to a second notebook.
    3. Do lots of MCQs, especially on topics that I was bad at. Take detailed notes on how to get to the right answer. This is the most important step. Make sure you understand how to get to the right answer before you move on. You can build speed later, once you understand the material.
    4. Do SIMs, but mostly to get a feel for what to expect from the exam.

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio

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