Order of Exams - Page 2

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  • #199959

    Advice on what order to take the exams? I am starting with BEC and thinking about FAR next, then AUD and finishing with REG…

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  • #757432

    I did AUD, FAR, BEC then REG. However, I would highly recommend starting with FAR first since it has the most information. FAR has 10 chapters in Becker. AUD and BEC only have 6 chapters.


    If you have good knowledge of Accounting ,specially the journal entry then you can go anyway otherwise choose the FAR before AUD . you may see some FAR sim in your AUD exam.


    FAR REG AUD BEC is my order.

    FAR = 86 4/22/16
    BEC = 80 6/01/16
    REG = 07/26/16
    AUD = ?

    Last Chance CPA

    FAR > AUDIT > REG > BEC is the most popular answer.

    FAR is the hardest, so tackle it early to start your 18 month window. AUD next since you audit financial statements, it's a logical next step. REG after that being the second hardest exam. You get a break with AUD in between. BEC is generally the easiest with no SIMs, so best to tackle it last with your remaining 18 month window. Better to sweat with BEC than REG or AUD any day. I passed REG last only because it was giving me trouble…

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...

    Senk Tank

    Start with FAR, buy 2 NTS at a time, and if you don't pass, retake that exam first while the material is still fresh.

    Embrace the Pain

    "Quality over Quantity" - Tony Horton, P90X

    AUD - 84 10/2015
    REG - 91 2/2016
    BEC - 5/28/2016


    My professor generally said to start with the hardest exam first. If you're going to fail an exam, you generally want it to be the first one so that you don't waste any of your 18 month timer. There's also an argument that passing your first one gives you an emotional/confidence boost. In that sense, it's a personal preference.

    After graduation I did a B4 tax internship and started an MSA. I started studying for reg first while also taking advanced tax. I was able to reduce my studying hours significantly because I was doubling up with the tax class. FAR and REG are generally considered to be the toughest exams (although AUD can be a pain, especially for tax people). After REG I went FAR and then AUD, next I'm doing BEC.

    This method isn't the best for confidence boosting, but it's nice to be working downhill in the sense that each exam you take is getting slightly easier. In your case I would suggest doing far first, aud second if you are a tax person (reg second if you are an audit person) and then bec last.



    People in my firm generally took and passed REG first, then BEC, AUD, FAR. They were all hard!! Don't kid yourself.


    There's no “right order” to take them, but I recommend starting with an exam with material that you covered in your last semester of college. That way it's still pretty fresh in your mind. Aside from that, I don't think starting with your least comfortable subject is the best route. It's nice to get the first one out of the way and have that confidence going forward rather than potentially failing your first exam.

    AUD - Pass
    REG - Pass
    BEC - Pass
    FAR - Pass


    I think FARB is the most common order, I've seen a few BARFs. Personally, I am stuck between ARBF or ARFB, depending on how I do with Reg…

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)

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