Opinions on Yaeger CPA Review for BEC preparation.

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  • #161958

    I used Yaeger CPA Review for both FAR and AUD and passed both exams. However, after reading posts on here concerning Yaeger for BEC I am getting a little concerned.

    Anyone that has taken BEC and used Yaeger, particularly on the 2011 exam format, please give me your opinion on how well you feel Yaeger prepared you.


    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #300759

    The only good thing from Yaeger's lectures are the handouts and Cost Measurement lectures. Other than that, Cindy is just basically reading straight from the Wiley book.


    Well I used it and passed – Although not by much. The Wiley book that comes with it is good and Cindy mainly just reads from it in the videos. The handout notes that come with it are very helpful though. It is around 15 pages of all the main formulas and things you need to know. Since I have nothing to compare it to, I can't really give much of a recommendation but I passed with it and probably could've put more effort into it than I did. I was a little burnt out after taking REG and only gave myself 5 weeks. Also, I've heard bad things about Becker BEC 2011.

    Not sure thats very helpful but if you've used Yaeger and passed 2 other parts I think it would probably work for you. How did you like Yaeger's FAR review? I'm just getting into the 2nd disc of that.

    REG - 7/23/11 - 87
    BEC - 8/30/11 - 78
    FAR - 11/23/11 - 89
    AUD - 1/14/12 - 88


    I am also going to purchase Gleim Test Prep. Have you used it for BEC?


    I'm using Gleim right now as I study for BEC. So far, it's great. The questions are really challenging and they help determine whether I really know the concepts or not.


    @WaitingFor BEC

    I think Cindy did a great job in FAR which is why I was so surprised to read the negative comments about her for BEC. I also used Gleim Test Prep for additional MCQ. I am not sure how much of a difference Gleim made but I passed both exams so I plan on sticking with my winning combination for BEC 🙂


    Thanks, CPAMAN. I will definitely be purchasing Gleim for BEC.

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