On Fourth Test. Need a new Textbook!

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  • #1549930

    Well, isn’t that a weird thing to say right at the start? But its true: through 2016, I have gotten through my FAR, REG, and BEC tests with a combination of WileyCPA’s textbook, the Ninja Notes, and Wiley’s test bank. To date, I have been happy with the textbooks and like that I have worked through, and so I picked up a 2017 textbook from Wiley, for AUD.

    And its terrible.

    Everything is in bullet-point form and explained as if its being presented to an Eighth Grader. Topic shifts are jarring, shifting tone abruptly every two pages. And despite every book in 2016 giving you a good idea of where to go back and start pecking through multiple choice questions, this book had no such indication.

    But it doesn’t matter, because the multiple choice questions are nothing but regurgitating the same information I just read straight back out. The information isn’t altered at all, the questions don’t try and challenge your understanding the knowledge, or even trick you. Just remember, the answer is usually “All of the above!”

    So, um… yeah. I can’t pass with that. Does anyone have a recommendation for a book that remained, well, a textbook in 2017? If not I may need to resort to the 2016 AUD textbook.


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  • #1550023

    You need Roger and NINJA MCQs. Done. You might even get by with CRAM. Roger is an audit guru.

    Though beware, AUD is MOSTLY mnemonics and memorization.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB

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