Not Feeling Good for REG

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  • #1561150

    I sit for REG on Tuesday and have been studying for the past month and a half and am not feeling great about it. This is my last one and really hope I can pass especially since we have to wait so long for scores. I’m running through MC and TBSs but feel like I’ve remembered hardly anything from my studying. I feel like my brain is on strike right now or something. I’m answering questions and looking over parts of my book having no idea how I’m going to remember all this in time for the test on Tuesday. All in all, I am not feeling very confident about passing this one. Has anyone else felt this way before they took REG? Is it pretty normal?

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  • #1561152

    I had the same issue – but I was just utterly fried from prep and working. You may be feeling burnout from the entire exam process. Your body knows when to protest. It doesn't hurt to take a day off. Body builders need to pause working out to let their body build what amounts to scar tissue (their big muscles). Give your mind a break then go back to it. Your mind may be sensing diminishing returns, etc. Our subconscious is powerful.

    Break – strategize – identify where weak areas remain, then zen on mcq.

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