Need to vent/ Need advice

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  • #194743


    I really need some advice on how to move foward. I just found out I failed BEC again for the 7th time. My scores have been improving but not enough to get a passing score. My last score was 72. I feel drained and tired. I have no more energy to keep going.

    I lost FAR and AUD earlier which I passed on the third and first try respectively. I will loose REG if I don’t pass all 3 exams next window. How am I even going to fit 3 exams in on top of my very demanding full time work schedule. Should I just take a break and let REG expire and revisit the exam in a few months?

    I’m just exhausted at this point….


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  • #671810

    Wow, what a pickle….I think you might have to do it one part at a time. Time is the key….do you have time to revisit all these parts at one time. Not only time, what about money? I can't imagine passing and then losing to test again, but it happens, so maybe invest in mcq's. You're already familiar with the information so it's not like you need to do a lot. Maybe the mcq's will jar your memory and it won't take as long as it seems to re-take those lost parts. The main thing is coming out of this a CPA. I guess we all have vowed the vow “whatever it takes”, or ” I can't quit now”. So don't quit. One part at a time.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    If you need a break, take it. It is highly likely you are going to lose REG no matter what. Do not give up if it is in your heart to pass. You were so close, but more importantly you are perfectly capable of passing.

    Maybe make a plan to take two this year (Q3 & Q4 windows) and then two at the last 2 quarters of next year, if those don't fall on your busy season.

    Good luck!


    I would say take a break. Statistically the likelihood of passing all 4 that you'll need next window is just not likely to happen. So, take a break. Before you start your break, though, set yourself a date that you'll return to your studies, so that it doesn't end up always in the future and never happening. It could be that you'll start back in the Q3 window like MaLoTu suggested, or if spring isn't a busy season for you, it might be that you start back Q1 next year, or Q3 next year if you need a longer break, etc. Just set the date, promise yourself you'll come back to it, then take a break and enjoy a couple/few months, so that you can come back refreshed and ready to tackle it.


    I agree with the above posters. You've been able to pass sections, and you were close with BEC, so it's not an issue of ‘can you pass'. The exam is truly a test of endurance for the majority. Having a plan and sticking with it was one of the most challenging aspects for me personally. You most likely would just be spinning your wheels trying to pass 3 in one month. It would only serve to demoralize and exhaust you further.

    Take a break, relax for awhile, and form a plan to get back to it.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015

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