Need study guidance tips

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  • #1910881

    Hi guys,

    I am currently doing Rogers and plan on supplementing with Ninja MCQs later. I am a bit concerned on my studying, though, and would like some tips. I am currently working on REG (just started – Section 1), and I feel like I have to memorize the material before answering the IPQ questions; because, I honestly don’t know anything. Is this how you have been doing it? Or should I just go through the lectures, read the material, and work on questions, even if I don’t have any of the concepts grasped yet? I’ve written down flash cards, but it’s taken me days to get through the pages (I work full time and have a kid to take care of); so I don’t know if this will benefit me in any way.

    I guess what I’m seeking is study tips.

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  • #1910890
    Mike J


    Go through each lecture. Take notes as you go. When finished with the lectures start the MCQ.

    Very important is to review. You want to know why you got something right and why you got others wrong. Then assimilate any helpful explanation into your notes.

    I'm not into flashcards. Everyone learns differently. But I favor the notes because the act of writing can help you remember. I typed out my notes in Excel and made them PDFs. Once I had a free(ish) moments I'd pull out my phone where I had the saved and read a little more.

    All n all I think you have a good plan. Good luck.


    I'm struggling with this as well studying for FAR (using Roger as well). I feel like if I finish the chapter and jump right into the MCQ's without memorizing my notes, I'll miss more questions.

    I posted a similar question and the consensus was that memorization isn't the way to go and it's fixating on the details. I think I'm going to try it for a few chapters and see if there is a significant increase in my scores. This is a very time-consuming strategy though and I don't see how I'd be able to complete one exam section each cycle (using the one year study plan).


    First of all, welcome to studying for the CPA exam. It sucks. You question yourself. You doubt yourself. And it is like this the whole way through. No one will know what you're going through, but you aren't alone. Try not to take things personally when your friends and family give you their input. Just smile, and say thanks, “I got this.” I struggled with FAR and came close with BEC. What worked for me was to not fixate on anyone thing. I spent more time looking for the “One study method” that will help me through FAR than I did actually working on FAR. Waste of time. Just pretend to be confident.
    Here's my strategy but you will have to find your own. With Roger… I do about 5 chapters of lectures at a time (I mean topics: FAR 1-5) at 2x speed straight through. Don't analyze. Don't worry if it didn't make sense. You're just getting the gist and mining for gold. Every time he says something twice, “really important, heavily tested, a drawing in the book or on the board” I book mark it. Get through the set of lectures and do 10 MCQ. Go super slow. Define words you don't know. Then copy and paste the question and explanations into a word document (super helpful for review and when you're on the go). Reference the lecture and notes for your 10 MCQ for FAR1. Move on to FAR2-5. Do that till you're done.
    Review the book marks. Finish all the remaining MCQ. Do SIMS with the answers – IMO, not worth the time to try and figure it out. Try to relax. Do Not Panic. And always be reviewing. Take the exam, breathe and take breaks.
    Good luck.


    Felix, just to clarify, you do the SIMS with the answers in front of you? Why do you think they're not worth the time?

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