Need Some Advice for CPA exam studies?

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  • #193712

    Ok so I just took Reg section of the CPA exam and I might have passed or failed bad. Here is my question.

    My BEC exam i passed in 2014 expires December 2015. I need to pass Reg/FAR/AUD. I will not get my grade until May 27th according to the website.

    So between now and the 27th what exam will go best with Reg (If I faill) As I will need to study for 2 exams at once if I do not want to lose credit. If i pass reg what exam should be next between FAR and AUD?

    BEC: 75 lost credit, could not pass far πŸ™
    AUD: 76 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™
    FAR: 74, FML. Next exam 06/14/23
    REG: 75 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™

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  • #664215

    You can't take REG again until July if you need to retake, so just leave that one alone for now. I'm not sure why you say you'll need to study for 2 exams at once. That is not very effective, as any one exam is already a huge amount of material to remember. But you may need to go right from one to another.

    You may be able to fit in AUD at the end of May if you get to studying right away.

    Then start studying for FAR (if you passed REG) and take it mid-July. Then start studying for REG and take it at the end of August. Then you will still have one window for any retakes.

    But I think the biggest thing is to figure out the most effective studying for YOU– your scores indicate you probably have not found that yet. Or you keep short-cutting yourself by not giving yourself enough time, or not using the time you do have. Not sure. You may need to let BEC go in order to really knuckle down and pass everything in the 18 months, rather than rushing and continuing to miss the mark.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. πŸ™‚


    It looks like you are jumping around in exams, and that's not good in my opinion. How far are you into studying REG? I wouldn't recommend studying for two exams at the same time. Why not focus on REG alone and take it at the end of May, then focus on FAR and take it at the beginning of July, and then focus on AUD and sit at the end of August?

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    I took Reg today, and if I do not pass I am worried I will lose my BEC exam. I get my grade on the 27th which leaves 23 days of starting on new section/reviewing reg to make sure I remember everything. And if I fail it I can not take it again until July. I did all the Becker lectures, and the homework. There was a lot of stuff which the homework did not cover though which is why I'm hesitant.

    I don't think I can do audit or far in 1 month of studying. That is 2-3 lectures a week, and I think getting through 1.5 lectures a week is a good week. I do the Becker lecture 1 day, then homework next 2-3, and sim practice after that which is 3-4 days. Should I amend my study plan? My Becker stuff expires in June, so I will need a new way of studying. I skimmed the ninja books, and listened to the audio. But it seems the Audio does not cover a lot of stuff. I guess that is what the mcq are for? I only used ninja stuff as supplemental to my Becker stuff.

    Because I'm so far into reg, would it be wise to just do 1 day of practice tests/progress tests to keep me sharp for it all? Or just stop doing it all together. I was thinking that if I failed, take it first week in July. But I would need to be studying for another exam to take in mid June or late June. Would FAR or AUD be best for this?

    I think I would need to be studying for 2 exams at once cause of the testing windows left, and the fact I cant face fact yet of losing my only exam I passed. Need some input here.

    BEC: 75 lost credit, could not pass far πŸ™
    AUD: 76 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™
    FAR: 74, FML. Next exam 06/14/23
    REG: 75 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™


    anybody else got some suggestions for me?

    BEC: 75 lost credit, could not pass far πŸ™
    AUD: 76 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™
    FAR: 74, FML. Next exam 06/14/23
    REG: 75 lost credit could not pass far πŸ™


    Do not jump around anymore. If you failed REG start studying again right away and take it the first week of July, then study for AUD and take it at the end of August. If you put in the time and effort and focus on one section at a time you could pass these. I don't think you're focusing as best you could. If you passed REG then start studying for either FAR or AUD to take at the beginning of Q3. Unless you are a full time studier I don't think you're going to start a new subject and pass before the end of Q2.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I am in the same boat. Took the test April 25th so i had a month to just sit. I started on Audit since i really didnt want to waste a month and plan on taking Audit as soon as the testing window opens in July and if i need to retake FAR i will do so at the end of that same testing window so it would give me about 6-7 weeks to study all the FAR material again.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    Don't review reg while you're studying another section. Give that other section your undivided attention.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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