Need Advice on studying for BEC

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  • #1395162

    Most people who I’ve spoken to about studying techniques have said that MCQs are the most effective way to study. So just some background to lead up to my question…

    On November 23 I decided that I wanted to give myself two chances at BEC. Even though there wasn’t a proper amount of time to study for BEC before the close of the quarter, I decided that I will take an accelerated approach to studying and take it on Dec. 8. My accelerated approach- I watched all the Becker videos, straight through, just to learn the material, and then gave myself a week of just doing questions, non-stop, to really gain an understanding. Any other way would have taken too long. Long story short, I felt I knew the material going into the test (Coming off of FAR, this wasn’t much), but failed. I got a 67. It was worth the gamble.

    My question is like this… I have 4 weeks- should I go through the Becker material properly- re-watching each video and doing the questions, and then the final review, OR just do questions, questions, questions?

    I would appreciate anyone’s and everyone’s opinion

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  • #1395207

    ds. I used Becker for BEC. I barley watched the lectures. I spent 4 weeks doing multiple choices over and over. You be surprise you actually retain more by doing homework questions verses watching the lecture. Both if possible but if time is an issue, just do questions. I passed 1st try. I graduated from college a million decades ago and have a toddler so I didn't pass bc of my youth and great memory skill or live in an ideal environment to study. I just did all the multiple choices twice. No books, no notes, no lectures.

    Mike J

    To thine own self be true. In terms of understanding the material–not the score–how close are you to passing?

    If you are really uncomfortable with the material, take yourself back to school. DO NOT TOUCH CPA review materials. You can find YouTube series. For instance: AND

    If you feel that, conceptually, you're close to studying, skip that step and go straight to the CPA review materials.

    Take a block of 20 MCQ, for each of the 6 main topic groups. When you get >= 80% correct, move on to the next. When you get through all 6, do random block of 20 MCQs. Keep going until you're sick of them. Review which questions gave you extra trouble or showed you a better way of seeing the material. Put the explanations into your own words & incorporate that with the notes you've presumably been taking with whatever book or video series you were using.

    Within one week of the exam, assuming you have NINJA MCQ, go through all of the AICPA recently released MCQs.

    That's how I got through REG & BEC. AUD wasn't an issue for me. FAR, I used NINJA Plus & NINJA MCQ

    I Hope that helps.



    I appreciate the advice. I'm in a similar situation- graduated a while ago and married with 2 kids. That's probably what I'll do. Thanks.


    I believe I understand the material pretty well, conceptually. Sounds like a thorough approach. I haven't taken any notes but will try your approach on the MCQs. Thanks.

    gerald kleiman

    Did you try Ninja mcq? I found it to be a great asset for passing BEC


    This is probably very subjective…I just flat out couldn't understand some of the BEC MCQ until I read the books several times, watched the lectures, and also googled terms. I still was very weak on COSO, as well as IT. The cost accounting stuff I was, mostly, able to do without rewatching lectures and just working the problems. Same for econ.


    I personally don't think four weeks is enough time for someone who's got a full time job and a family unless somehow you're able to study 40+ hours per week.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I studied for BEC for five weeks and passed. I had just got done studying for FAR (and just missed) so I was already kind of hanging my head, but decided to power through and got a 78. I watched the Roger videos (skipped some, I remembered some stuff from my FAR studies and school) and made flash cards for the formulas, and did many MCQs. I used the below thread for the formulas. Good luck to you – be confident! I actually had to look myself in the mirror, tell myself how hard I've worked, and convince myself to stop having such bad test day anxiety. Hoping that works for my 3rd FAR retake Jan. 9th…

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