My school doesn't want me to pass the CPA exam - Page 2

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  • #194761

    I graduated late (May 21) and my school isn’t going to post my degree until the 16th, so in my state I can’t even apply yet. I’ve been studying AUD and just hoping my NTS will come in time for me to take AUD the first week of July.

    Also I’m doing Fast-Pass and just chose them in order of availability, making sure they don’t overlap. My order is:

    AUD: 6/22-6/27 (I’ve already started studying for this though)

    BEC: 7/6-7/18

    REG: 7/20-8/1

    FAR: 8/3-8/15 (Will most likely study longer for this since I have until end of August)

    People usually say do FAR first, BEC last. Any advice for me as I take this on in one window?

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  • #672027

    Hey similar schedule timeline to mine! My NTS took 1week once they received my transcripts so there's definitely hope for you to test before July 6th. Good luck to you! I'm doing FAR now and its a ton of work, looking forward to BEC in a couple weeks!

    AUD 5/28/15 - 98
    FAR 7/3/15 - 86
    BEC 7/20/15 - 89
    REG 8/24/15 - 85

    Becker Fast Pass, Studying Full Time


    @golfball7773 applying in Maryland

    – thanks! and good luck with exams!! I'd like to know how your studying goes!

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