My CPA Exam Experience

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  • #2862120

    This might be way too long of a post, but I always would read posts and comments on this forum as I was going through my exams. I took the CPA exams (seriously) starting last September and passed my final section (FAR) on December 5th, 2019. Here is what I learned and maybe this will help you and maybe it won’t.

    1. You can pass even leaving 1 or 2 SIMS blank or 1 or 2 SIMS where you totally guess. You can pass doing this AND with flagging 6-7 Multiple Choice in each testlet. I did this on each section, SERIOUSLY.
    2. I never did any of the SIMS in Becker. I would do all of the lectures and all of the multiple choice but never any SIMS. My reason for this was because SIMS change dramatically from Becker to actual exam. I just made sure I understood concepts.
    3. Becker offers chapter outlines. Print these out and go back through each chapter and hand write in details the outline leaves out but use the outlines as a review tool and as a final study tool. THIS WAS KEY TO ME PASSING, SERIOUSLY!!!!
    4. Depression will occur during studying. It is inevitable. I have actually found that I am even more depressed after passing because now the adrenaline is gone. I am, of course, very happy it is past and would never want to do it again but I just want to post my experience.
    5. It is okay to feel alone during this experience. I read these forums and posts because that was the only time I felt I could relate to anyone or that anyone could relate to me. I was tired of family and friends giving me the generic, “you will pass. you will be fine” BLAH BLAH Bullshit. I was not fine and every test I felt like I did not pass.
    6. If you fail it is okay. You are smarter than the test. This test is mostly about endurance and discipline. Do not try to know everything in depth, just try to cover everything as a basis and nail down large, key concepts.

    Okay, I am done. Like I said, this may or may not help you. Everyone has a different learning style and different backgrounds. This is how it happened for me and I am finally done. Good luck to everyone!

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  • #2862153

    Thank you! This helps me, I am on the verge of losing BEC if I don't pass FAR and REG in Q1 2020, and it's hard. I feel like I've put all my limited resources of time and money into these exams and the thought of not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel gives me anxiety. I was super worried because I am testing for FAR soon and my trending score is not where I expect – I do have a manin course that I've done well in, but for my Ninja MCQ trending score, it's not over 70%. So spending the next few days focused on my weaker areas, doing the AICPA practice exam, and mock exams and seeing what happens. This process is hard, even over the holidays it was hard studying and not making as much time for family and friends, it was hard, spending all this time away from everyone and spending money on exams, and review courses. So thank you or taking time to share!


    I understand! I was going to lose AUD in Q1 2020 if I did not pass FAR on December 5th when I recently took it. I already in my head was telling myself if I failed that I would give up but the truth is I probably would not have given up even though I was miserable. I had put way too much time and money into it to give up at that point. My biggest advice is to keep pushing even when you hate it with every inch of your soul. The test really is just about having a general idea of everything. Jack of all trades, master of none. That is really the motto that I went with and for me it worked. Does not mean it will work for every person. With Becker, I only worked multiple choice and I usually scored around 60s to 70s. But I always felt the multiple choice on the exam were easier than Becker's multiple choice so I think that helped me. At the end of studying, the week before the exam I would work maybe 2-5 SIMS in total hitting the big concepts and 1 research just to get the feel of it. I never wasted time working all of them because for me, I learn best by in depth understanding of a topic, not by reworking problems over and over. Anyways, HANG IN THERE AND DO NOT GIVE UP.

    Advice for FAR — Know a little of everything — know the major topics like NFP, Consolidations, etc. I do not know how Ninja works as I used Becker but I swear what got me the passing grade was the outlines I would do of each chapter. Also, time limit gave me issues on the exam. If you do not know something, answer it and flag it and move on. Only go back if you have time. Do not waste time on ones you pretty much have no idea on. ALWAYS TRY TO ANSWER EVERYTHING. Even if you feel like you are guessing, you may be closer to the answer than you think.

    Advice for REG — same as FAR. Time limit gave me issues. I would say REG and AUD were my weaker areas, not sure why other than complete disinterest in those topics. Although I am not really interested in any of the topics LOL. Anyways, remember it is okay to leave a SIM or two blank but you have a way better shot at passing if you at least attempt everything. Just do NOT freak out on the exam — this will cause your mind to blank and it accomplishes nothing! Just do your best, which is cliche but true. If you freak out once you read the question then your mind will go blank but if you keep calm and do your best and answer it, you might get at least partial.

    I am poor as hell after spending all my money on this whole experience, lmao. I am sorry you had to study over the holidays but I totally understand what that is like. One day you will be done and you will think back to it all and it will feel worth it. When your friends and family are out having a good time and you are home studying, one day you will get to say you are a CPA and probably most of them will never accomplish that. So good for you!! Hang in there.

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